Report details Unabomber's handwritten prison correspondence

A new report describes Unabomber Ted Kaczynski's handwritten letters to hundreds of supporters and curiosity seekers.

The correspondence was described in a report published by Yahoo News ( early Monday.

In them, he expresses shock over the 9/11 attacks and wrote that he preferred Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential race.

Kaczynski also wrote to pen pals from federal prison in Colorado asking for more information about Osama bin Laden and the origins of al-Qaida, and has relied on others to inform him about the rise of the Internet and social media.

A Yahoo reporter spent several weeks looking through Kaczynski's letters, which now fill more than 90 boxes at the University of Michigan Library.

Kaczynski was convicted in 1998 after planting or mailing bombs that killed three people and injured more than two dozen others over several decades.