Police: Teen gave friends tattoos while at school

Rhode Island police have charged a 15-year-old high school girl they say gave homemade tattoos to two friends on school grounds.

The Westerly Sun reports that the Westerly High student gave the two girls, ages 15 and 16, tattoos with a sewing needle tied to a frozen-pop stick Friday. A staff member saw the tattoos and informed a school resource officer.

Police Capt. Shawn Lacey says the resource officer had to file charges because it's against state law to tattoo a minor. Lacey says the girls were cooperative when questioned.

Officials say one tattoo was a sun and moon combination; the other was a semicolon linked to a faith-based nonprofit that supports people with suicidal thoughts.

The girls' parents were notified and the case was referred to family court.


Information from: The Westerly Sun, http://www.thewesterlysun.com