Police say 4 people, not 6, shot after confrontation

Police say it was four people, not six, who were wounded by gunfire at a Birmingham public housing community over the weekend.

According to AL.com (http://bit.ly/2cVBMmE), Birmingham police Lt. Sean Edwards said Tuesday that investigators determined there were four people shot Sunday about 8:15 p.m. at Marks Village in the Gate City community.

Edwards says two women and two men were shot, one of them fatally. Twenty-year-old Bobby Clayton died at a hospital. A female victim, in her early-to-mid 20s, remained in critical condition and on a respirator.

Police say another woman was shot in the arm, but is fine. A male, who police believe initially started the shooting, is also hospitalized but expected to recover. A third woman actually suffered only scrapes and bruises when she fell running away from the gunfire. There was no sixth victim.