Police: Mom, grandparents nearly starved 7-year-old boy, who resorted to catching, eating bugs

Police say a 7-year-old Pennsylvania boy was nearly starved to death, beaten regularly and resorted to catching insects to eat during brief times he was allowed outside his home.

The Sharon Herald reported (http://bit.ly/1mZW530) Saturday that the boy's mother and grandparents face multiple charges after he was found looking like a human skeleton in a Greenville home.

The boy's mother, 28-year-old Mary Rader, and the grandparents who lived with them, Dennis and Deana Beighley, were charged this week with assault, unlawful restraint of a minor, false imprisonment, endangering a child's welfare and conspiracy. Court records don't list defense attorneys, and a home phone couldn't be located.

Authorities say the boy weighed 25 pounds when taken to a hospital last month. He's since gained 20 pounds.


Information from: The Herald, http://www.sharon-herald.com