Police: Dog pulls at boy's scarf, leaving him unconscious

Police in suburban Philadelphia say a 5-year-old boy playing in the snow with his dog apparently collapsed and lost consciousness when the dug pulled at his scarf and cut off his airways.

Police say the mother looked out to see her son face down in the snow while the dog played with the scarf. They say she untied it and called 911.

Warrington Police Chief Daniel Friel tells the Intelligencer of Doylestown (goo.gl/I1NmYv) the boy is expected to be kept under heavy sedation for several days at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Polic initially thought the child had collapsed from cardiac arrest while playing with the 18-month-old hound.

Police say first responders performed CPR on the boy when they found him unconscious Wednesday afternoon.


This story has been corrected to say the boy is at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, not Pittsburgh.