Plan for Scientologist-backed drug rehab center at ex-presidential retreat draws opposition

A plan to turn a former presidential retreat in Maryland into a drug rehabilitation center affiliated with the Church of Scientology is drawing opposition.

The Frederick News-Post reports ( ) that the Frederick County Council postponed a decision Tuesday on a request by the church's real-estate arm to have the 40-acre Trout Run property designated for historic preservation. The designation would enable Social Betterment Properties to make changes otherwise barred by zoning restrictions.

Several citizens expressed opposition to turning the camp near Thurmont into a Narconon residential treatment center. The program is based on methods developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

A Narconon executive says the program is nonreligious and wouldn't be used for church recruiting.

Trout Run was a private resort visited by presidents Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower.


Information from: The Frederick (Md.) News-Post,