Online star 'Kai the hitchhiker' waives extradition from Pa., heads to NJ in lawyer's death

A man who gained Internet fame as "Kai, the hatchet-wielding hitchhiker" will be returning to New Jersey to face a murder charge in the death of a lawyer.

Caleb "Kai" McGillivary waived extradition Monday in a brief hearing in Philadelphia.

The 24-year-old McGillivary is charged with killing 73-year-old Joseph Galfy Jr. after the pair met in New York City. Authorities say Galfy was found beaten to death in his bedroom in Clark, N.J.

McGillivary was arrested this month after being spotted in a Philadelphia Starbucks.

He had gained fame in February after intervening in an attack on a California utility worker and giving an interview describing how he used a hatchet to fend off the attacker.

Friends in Union County, N.J., describe Galfy as a respected land-use lawyer.