One More City Boosts its Minimum Wage: Weekly News Roundup

Looking to keep on top of the latest headlines in small business, innovation and tech? Check out our Weekly News recaps posted every Friday morning -- a quick summary designed to keep you current.

Los Angeles is the latest major metro to approve a minimum wage hike to $15, a decision that impacts more than 800,000 people. It joins San Francisco and Seattle in boosting pay for low-income workers.

Apple announced its ad-free, paid music subscription service will launch June 30. But attorneys general from New York and Connecticut are already investigating whether Apple's negotiations with music companies violated antitrust rules.

Just two days after Apple's announcement, Spotify raised $500 million, boosting its valuation to more than $8.5 billion. One new investor includes a Nordic telecom which plans to work with the streaming leader on analytics, distribution and advertising.

And our Geoff Weiss covers why Beyonce's facing branding backlash for hawking her vegan venture.

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