Officials support moving bust of Dred Scott opinion's author from Maryland town's City Hall

A bust of the Supreme Court chief justice who wrote the 1857 Dred Scott opinion affirming slavery will likely be removed from City Hall in Frederick, Maryland, after a majority of elected officials said they support relocation.

Three of Frederick's five aldermen say they support moving the sculpture of Roger Brooke Taney (TAW'-nee), who practiced law in the city.

Michael O'Connor and Josh Bokee expressed support Wednesday for the proposal by fellow Democrat Donna Kuzemchak (koo-ZAM'-chak).

Democrat Kelly Russell and Republican Phil Dacey haven't weighed in.

Republican Mayor Randy Clement says he'll consult the city's lawyers on the next steps.

The Dred Scott decision held that blacks had no rights as American citizens.

Taney practiced law in Frederick. His grave is in the city.


This story has been corrected to show that Russell has not expressed support for the proposal.