Officials in Texas town say no criminal charges against driver of parade float on which 4 died

Officials of a West Texas city where four wounded veterans died when a train slammed into their parade float say the driver of the truck towing the float won't be charged.

Midland spokeswoman Sara Higgins says no charges will be filed against Dale Andrew Hayden, of Midland. She also said the police report on the crash soon will be sent to the Midland County district attorney.

Assistant District Attorney Steve Stallings tells the Midland Reporter-Telegram ( that no decision on charges will come until the report is completed.

A National Transportation Safety Board spokesman says board investigators haven't questioned Hayden. Higgins wouldn't say if Midland police had done so.

Four veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan were killed and 16 more people were injured in the Nov. 15 collision.


Information from: Midland Reporter-Telegram,