Odor of smoke from southern New Jersey brush fire can be smelled in New York City

The odor of smoke from a brush fire in southern New Jersey can be smelled as far away as New York City.

The fire has burned more than 1,500 acres, or about 2 square miles, along Batsto Road in Wharton State Forest. The smoke can be seen for miles.

NBC 10 in Philadelphia (http://bit.ly/1h6VPMt ) reports that crews dropped water from airplanes and used backfires to contain the blaze, which broke out Sunday. The cause is under investigation.

According to NBC 10, State Police say the blaze is only about 30 percent contained.

New York City's emergency management office alerted residents in Brooklyn and Staten Island that they might smell smoke from the blaze, which is about 90 miles away.

The fire didn't threaten any structures. There are no reports of injuries.