NY man returns library statue 43 years overdue; says sculpture helped him endure tough times

A 52-year-old New York man has returned a marble sculpture he borrowed in the early 1970s to get him through troubled times.

Scott Stewart tells the Democrat and Chronicle of Rochester (http://on.rocne.ws/1zvxsQ7 ) that as a 9-year-old he spent his days at the Rochester Central Library and was allowed to take home art pieces.

In 1971, he borrowed a small statue of an owl protecting its babies because it symbolized his mother's efforts to care for him and his brother.

He says the statue brought him peace during tough times over the years. Stewart finally returned it to the library on Sunday.

The library didn't fine the Rochester man. A library official says Stewart was looking for a symbol of comfort and he found it at the local library.


Information from: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, http://www.democratandchronicle.com