NJ chief: LA airport suspect's father had asked for help finding son, who mentioned suicide

A New Jersey police chief says the Los Angeles airport shooting suspect had apparently made references to suicide.

Pennsville Chief Allen Cummings says Paul Ciancia's father called him early Friday afternoon saying another of his children had received a text message from the suspect "in reference to him taking his own life."

Cummings says the elder Ciancia asked him for help in locating Paul, according to Cummings. The chief says he called Los Angeles police, which sent a patrol car to Ciancia's apartment.

There, two roommates said they had seen him Thursday and that he was fine.

Cummings says he told Ciancia's father that because of the son's age, he couldn't take a missing persons report. He says his department had no dealings with the younger Paul Ciancia.

A law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity identified the suspect as the younger Ciancia.


Rubinkam reported from Pennsylvania.