National Endowment for the Arts awards $74 million in grants to groups in all 50 states

The National Endowment for the Arts is awarding $74 million in grants to arts organizations in all 50 states and five U.S. territories.

The endowment announced 1,023 awards Wednesday. It's the endowment's largest round of grants for 2015.

They range from $50,000 to develop a statewide Alabama arts education plan to arts program funding for wounded soldiers in Tacoma, Washington. The Boston Public Schools will receive a $100,000 grant to expand arts education.

More than half the funding will be awarded through state and regional partnerships. Every state has an arts agency that can receive funding.

In November, the arts endowment awarded $29 million during its first round of 2015 grants. The newest grants bring the total awarded this year to $103.47 million.
