Man accused of negligent homicide in death of grandmother

Louisiana authorities say a man who ignored his 90-year-old grandmother's cries for help as she lay on her garage floor has been charged with negligent homicide after she was found dead. ' The Times-Picayune ( ) quotes officials from the sheriff's office in St. John the Baptist Parish as saying that 33-year-old Neil Oberoi ignored his grandmother's pleas for help when he found her lying on the garage floor Friday afternoon. Investigators say he brought her water, a blanket, and a pillow at 1:30 a.m. Saturday, but couldn't wake her later in the morning.

It could not be determined if Oberoi has a lawyer. No one answered the telephone at the sheriff's office Monday evening, and no one immediately responded to an email sent to the public defender's office.


Information from: The Times-Picayune,