Maine jury watches video showing man giving Zumba instructor money for sex

A jury hearing the case of a Maine businessman accused of helping a Zumba instructor engage in prostitution has watched a video showing money changing hands after a sexual encounter.

Mark Strong Sr. faces 13 counts related to promotion of prostitution. Prosecutors say he made screen-grab snapshots from live Skype sessions he had with Alexis Wright while she had sex for money.

On the video seen Thursday, Wright told the man that her rate was $250 for 45 minutes. Afterward, she conferred with a man who had been watching the encounter live.

Investigators say the Skype video was recovered from a device belonging to Wright. A computer expert testified that Strong's computer 100 miles away in Thomaston had 45 snapshots made from the same video.

Both have pleaded not guilty. She will be tried later.