Los Angeles County firefighters rescue dog trapped in tiny space in West Hollywood, California

Los Angeles County firefighters got creative to rescue a dog that had fallen into a six-inch-wide gap in West Hollywood, California.

Inspector Randall Wright says a dozen firefighters were called to the scene Monday afternoon. They found a 60-pound dog wedged upside down between a house wall and a retaining wall.

Wright says every time the dog whimpered, he slid further.

Firefighters couldn't just pull him out, so they improvised. They slid a pole under the dog, tied webbing ropes to his front paws, soaped up his fur and pulled.

They wriggled the dog out far enough to grab his back paws. A few tugs, and the pooch was free.

Wright says the dog appeared healthy, and neighbors returned him to his family.

It's unclear how he got stuck.