Listen to your elders: School kids get ready for StoryCorps' oral history Thanksgiving project

The sage advice, "listen to your elders," has new meaning for kids this Thanksgiving.

The nonprofit oral history project StoryCorps is urging thousands of high-school students to interview a grandparent or elder, using a smartphone app that can send the audio recording to a Library of Congress archive.

Founder Dave Isay (EYE'-say) aims to double, in one long weekend, the 65,000 audio recordings StoryCorps has collected since 2003.

Thirteen-year-old Lauren Bonner of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, has already done her interview. She says her grandparents told her stories she'd never heard, and she has some advice for others.

Bonner says to treat it like a conversation, and once you get into it, it's a lot of fun.