Light quake jolts Calif central coast overnight

Authorities along California's central coast say they've received no reports of serious damage or injury following a magnitude-4.5 earthquake that struck overnight.

The temblor jolted Monterey and San Benito counties at 12:51 a.m. Wednesday. It was centered near the city of San Juan Bautista and about 45 miles south of San Jose.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported a number of aftershocks, including one that measured a magnitude-3.4.

The shaking was felt within a 90-mile radius, as far north as San Francisco and as far south as Paso Robles. Residents described it as a jolting motion that lasted just a few seconds.

A USGS geophysicist says the quake was on the San Andreas fault system and does not appear to be related to a magnitude-4.1 quake that hit San Jose last week.

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