Lawyer for Ohio couple accused of abandoning adopted son says he has gotten much-needed help

The attorney for a southwest Ohio couple accused of abandoning the adopted 9-year-old son they raised since infancy says the boy has gotten some much-needed help.

Anthony VanNoy said Wednesday that Cleveland and Lisa Cox are visiting with the boy and hope to be reunited.

VanNoy tells the Hamilton-Middletown Journal-News that the couple won't accept a plea deal. They have pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor charges of nonsupport of dependents, which allege they recklessly abandoned or failed to provide adequate support.

Authorities say the couple took him to Butler County Children Services in October and left him there, saying he was displaying aggressive behavior and had threatened the family with a knife.

VanNoy says the boy is now getting the help that the adoptive parents have always wanted for him.