Latino lawmaker will advise Trump on immigration issues

GOP Rep. Raul Labrador during the Latino Inaugural Gala held in Washington, DC, on Jan. 19, 2017. (EFE)

Republican Rep. Raul Labrador, who heads Donald Trump's Hispanic Advisory Council, said that he will advise the new U.S. president about immigration, shrugging off the absence of Latinos in the new Cabinet.

"There are plenty of GOP Hispanics that are the best and the brightest - some of us are in Congress," the Idaho lawmaker told reporters Thursday night at the Latino Inaugural Gala.

Trump has "great relations with the Hispanic community and will continue working with them," Labrador said, insisting that the White House staff will include Latinos.

"It's not just about having Hispanics in the Cabinet - it's actually about making sure that every American has an opportunity to be better," the congressman said.

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Labrador rejected the use of the word "threat" to describe Trump's campaign promises of deporting millions of undocumented immigrants.
"What we need is an immigration system that works, and this is one of the issues where I am most enthusiastic," he said.

"President Trump understand that we need to fix the immigration laws, and we need to make it in a permanent manner, not tiny adjustments to help a few people."

Trump, 70, will lead the first administration since Ronald Reagan's in 1981-1989 not to include a representative of the Hispanic community, the nation's largest minority.

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