In his words: Testimony from the 1st officer to go on trial in Freddie Gray's death

Officer William Porter testified Wednesday at his manslaughter trial in the death of Freddie Gray. Here are some of the questions he was asked and his remarks:

— Why does Porter say he didn't call an ambulance for Gray after checking on him during the police van's journey?

"He never made a complaint of pain or an injury. In order to call for an ambo, I need age, sex, location and complaint of injury. He wouldn't give me a complaint of injury."

— According to Porter, did Gray ask for medical attention or did Porter suggest it?

"I offered it to him and he said, yes, he needed it."

— What does Porter say he told van driver Caesar Goodson, who faces the most serious charge in Gray's death?

"I suggested Officer Goodson to take him to a medical facility or a hospital. I cannot order Officer Goodson to do anything."

— What kind of distinction does Porter make between driving a prisoner to a hospital in a police van versus calling an ambulance?

"You call for an ambulance if you have a medical emergency."

— What does Porter say happened after he saw Gray unresponsive in the van at the Western District police station?

"It was a very traumatizing thing for me, also. Knowing him from the neighborhood and calling his name, being on the hospital detail and seeing everything they'd done to him."

— What does Porter say is the risk of a prisoner grabbing an officer's gun if the officer tries to buckle a prisoner's seat belt?

"In academy, and through my experience and training as an officer, even the most docile detainee presents a risk."

— Does Porter think the Baltimore Police Department has a "don't snitch" culture?

"I'm actually offended you'd say something like that."

— What is Porter's response to the statement that he failed to protect Gray's life?
