Hoverboards, Uber Protests and Taylor Swift: Your Weekly News Roundup

Looking to keep on top of the latest headlines in business innovation and tech? Check out your Entrepreneur Weekly News recaps posted every Friday morning -- a quick summary designed to keep you current.

Violent anti-Uber protests erupted in Paris after thousands of cab drivers blocked major transportation hubs to protest the U.S. ridesharing company's UberPOP service, which lets anyone become a driver without a special license. The protestors argue this service is unfair to traditional cabbies who are still subject to licensing and fees.

The Supreme Court ruled this week that the federal subsidies that many Americans use to pay for health plans under the Affordable Care Act are legal. The decision preserves tax credits for insurance bought on federal or state exchanges, preventing coverage loss for up to 8 million Americans.

A San Diego company that live-streams views of southern California has filed the first official net neutrality complaint since the latest rules went into effect June 12. Commercial Network Services is claiming that Time Warner Cable is breaking the rules but a flock of experts say the web-streaming company's complaint will likely fail.

The streaming music game saw some important shifts this week. Just days before Apple Music's debut, Google announced its free, ad-supported music service. Meanwhile, Taylor Swift wrote an open letter to Apple, one which prompted the tech giant to compensate musicians, writers and producers during the subscription service's three-month, free trial offer.

And we may be one step closer to a future filled with skateboards-sans-wheels. Lexus just unveiled a prototype for a working hoverboard.

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