Gov. Jerry Brown captures snake on weekend trip to rural Northern California

In this undated photo taken by California first lady Anne Gust and posted to Gov. Jerry Brown's Twitter account on Saturday, April 18, 2015, California Gov. Jerry Brown poses with a rattlesnake, held with a snake stick, on land Brown’s family owns in rural Colusa county, near Williams, Calif. (Anne Gust via AP) (The Associated Press)

Gov. Jerry Brown has received hundreds of comments and shares of a photo showing him posing with a snake.

The photo posted on Brown's Twitter and Facebook pages over the weekend shows Brown, dressed casually, holding a stick to the head of a snake.

A spokesman for the governor, Evan Westrup, said the photo was taken by Brown's wife, Anne Gust Brown, just outside Williams in Colusa County. The governor owns rural property there.

The caption posted with it reads: "Out here, you never know what you'll run into. #Anne'sNotFondOfRattlesnakes."

When asked if the snake was dead or alive, Westrup responded with a quote in Latin that translates to "the thing speaks for itself."