Former Bosnian prison guard living in US extradited to face war-crimes charges

A former Bosnian prison camp guard living in the U.S. has been extradited to his native country to face war-crimes charges.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a news release Tuesday that 54-year-old Almaz Nezirovic of Roanoke County was extradited last week.

Nezirovic came to the U.S. in 1997. He is accused of torturing Serbians at the Rabic prison camp in 1992 during the Bosnian civil war. Bosnian officials allege that the former Roanoke resident beat, humiliated and traumatized unarmed civilian prisoners.

A federal appeals court in February rejected a claim by Nezirovic that his extradition is barred because of the political nature of his actions at the prison. The court said the torture of civilians is not a political exercise.