Former AP correspondent George McArthur, who covered Vietnam War, dies in Virginia at age 88

Former Associated Press foreign correspondent George McArthur, who reported all over the world and spent years in Saigon covering the Vietnam war, has died. He was 88.

His wife, Eva Kim McArthur said he died Friday night in a hospice in Fairfax County, Va., of complications from a stroke.

Born in the Deep South, McArthur was one of several youthful AP staffers first dispatched to Seoul after communist North Korea's invasion of South Korea in 1950. He later reported from Paris, Cairo and Manila, serving as AP bureau chief at the latter two posts.

He later reported on the Vietnam War for the AP as a reporter and as Saigon bureau chief, and for the Los Angeles Times from 1969 until Saigon fell to invading North Vietnamese troops in 1975.