FBI probes 'ground incident' at small Utah airport

A small airport in southern Utah was shut down and an investigation was under way Tuesday after an unspecified "ground incident" involving a Skywest Airlines airplane that happened overnight and damaged the plane, some cars and the terminal, officials said.

Skywest officials said the incident occurred at about 3 a.m. at the St. George Municipal Airport. The airport was closed at the time, and the aircraft wasn't in service.

City spokesman Marc Mortenson told the Deseret News that all commercial flights have been cancelled until further notice, but the private portion of the airport remains open.

A dozen flights leave or arrive at the St. George airport each weekday, according to the airport's website. Most run between southern Utah and Salt Lake City, with two connecting St. George and Los Angeles.

Skywest said its passengers are having their itineraries rearranged.

Authorities didn't give details about the nature of the incident, but FBI spokeswoman Deborah Bertram said there was no ongoing public safety issue and law enforcement officials have the scene under control.

Bertram said the FBI is conducting a joint investigation with the St. George Police Department and the Transportation Security Administration.