Ex-girlfriend of defendant in 'American Sniper' trial says defendant had temper

The ex-girlfriend of a former Marine charged in the fatal shootings of "American Sniper" author Chris Kyle and another man has testified that he would become enraged over minor incidents.

The Dallas Morning News (http://bit.ly/1E69sX9 ) reports that Jennifer Weed also described an incident two weeks before the killings in which Eddie Ray Routh wouldn't let her or her roommate leave their apartment. She said he grabbed a sword and knife, saying he was trying to protect them.

Routh is charged in the 2013 deaths of the former Navy SEAL sniper and Kyle's friend, Chad Littlefield. The trial has drawn intense interest, partly because of an Oscar-nominated film based on Kyle's memoir.

Weed also described Routh throwing a shoe across the room because he dropped his beer.