Ex-friends dispute 'Jackie's' narrative about alleged rape

Two ex-friends of the woman who says she was gang-raped at the University of Virginia disputed her description of their conversations after the alleged assault.

Jurors in the defamation trial against Rolling Stone magazine saw deposition videos of Ryan Duffin and Kathryn Hendley on Tuesday. Duffin and Hendley are the friends the woman, identified as Jackie, met with after the alleged gang rape in 2012.

The Daily Progress reports (http://bit.ly/2ebPKR0 ) Hendley denied saying anything attributed to her in the now-retracted article.

Duffin said he encouraged Jackie to report the assault. He said the statements in the article that he and Jackie's other friends encouraged her to stay silent were false.

UVA administrator Nicole Eramo is suing the magazine for $7.5 million, saying she was cast as the story's "chief villain."