Does Your Bio Tell a Story From the Heart?

A considerable part of your brand is expressed in your bio, or on the About page of your web site.

Does your bio tell a story? Or does it read like a resume?

Take some risks and put your heart out there when writing your bio.

Your bio must tell a story.

Telling a story with your bio may not apply to biochemical research professionals, but I’m addressing entrepreneurs who aspire to be thought-leaders. You must create memorable connections with your constituents in order to cut through the noise of popular culture.

Related: The Strongest Connections Come From Telling Your Story

Once upon a time…

What’s the romantic version of your early days? The lean years? The time between jobs? Your youthful ignorance? How did those days shape you?

I’m giving you poetic license to tell your story in your bio, web site, blogs, videos, and social media.

Comic relief…

What’s something about you, or an experience, that isn’t necessarily “bio” material but might give insight into your personal quirkiness?

Related: Humor Them. A Well-Timed Laugh Speaks Volumes

If a sense of humor is a part of how you operate, I dare you to share it. If you’re a nerd, let your geek flag fly!

If this is new for you, start storytelling in your bio conservatively, and then push the boundaries… slowly.

Battles waged…

Can we turn “failures” into tales of epic adventure? You bet.

Consider being transparent, and share how unexpected events and course corrections made you more capable in your business. In other words, quit trying to portray yourself as a flawless genius.

Share your successes, too! And be sure to credit others for their part in your story.

Happily ever after…

If you are in your happy place in your current venture, alert your About page! Let others sense the energy you feel in your work.

When others read your bio, do they get a sense of the road you’ve traveled? Real people tell stories and share their hearts.

Related: Make Your Brand Pop By Telling Your Story

Once you've updated your bio and About page, use the new text to create better social media profiles.

In our noisy culture, people are eager to connect with a real person.