Defense in Slender Man stabbing plot requests outside jury

Two Wisconsin girls accused of trying to kill a classmate to please horror character Slender Man want jurors from outside their home county to decide their trials.

Morgan Geyser's attorneys filed a motion this week seek jurors from outside Waukesha County because of heavy media coverage. Geyser has pleaded not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

A letter the other girl's defense attorneys submitted to the court seeks outside jurors too. The letter noted that girl plans to plead not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

Prosecutors say the girls lured classmate Payton Leutner to some woods in a Waukesha park in May 2014, stabbed her and fled. Payton crawled out of the woods to get help. All the girls were 12 at the time.


Information from: WITI-TV,