Cops: Lazy NY mailman trashed 1K letters, packages

A US Postal Service letter carrier seen actually delivering mail. (AP Photo/David Goldman, File)

If you never got grandma's Christmas card and happen to live on Long Island, this might explain things: A mail carrier threw more than a thousand pieces of mail into garbage bins along his Massapequa and Seaford route ...

simply because he was too lazy to deliver them, police say, per the New York Post. Federal agents first started looking into Patrick Paskett's delivery practices after receiving complaints of missing letters and packages, and on March 6, the 24-year-old was observed throwing a stack of letters into a Massapequa garbage can, according to a court complaint.

When confronted, police say Paskett, who began work in June, admitted he'd chucked mail about 15 times since December. Some 1,018 pieces of mail were recovered from four sites he had used as dumping grounds in late February and early March.

A USPS rep says that Paskett is still technically employed pending the outcome of his mail destruction charges—which could land him five years in jail—but he is no longer delivering mail, reports NBC News.

Paskett, however, told the Post, "I really don't want to talk about this with anyone. It happened. I resigned. I don't work for them anymore. It's over." (It's far from a first: See this mailman and this mailman.)

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