Convicted prep school grad says 'not caving' kept him going in sex assault defense

A graduate of an exclusive New England prep school convicted of sexually assaulting a younger student says he doesn't regret rejecting a plea deal.

Owen Labrie tells Newsweek magazine that "not caving" is what kept him going, despite being sentenced to a year in jail and being required to register as a sex offender for life.

The 20-year-old from Tunbridge, Vermont, had rejected deals that would have meant less jail time and no registration.

A jury in August convicted Labrie of misdemeanor sex assault charges and a felony charge of using a computer to lure a 15-year-old girl for sex just days before he graduated from St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire, in 2014. Labrie is appealing.

The magazine says the girl and her family declined to be interviewed.