Colorado theater shooter's former girlfriend asked him to see therapist months before attack

10 a.m. (MDT)

Colorado theater gunman James Holmes' ex-girlfriend of asked him to see a therapist months before the 2012 shooting, after he mentioned thoughts of killing people. But she says his thoughts "seemed very philosophical" and not like a concrete threat.

Gargi Datta (gar-ghee DAH-tah) testified Thursday about online chats she had with Holmes in the months they dated. Both were graduate students at the University of Colorado-Denver.

The two occasionally talked about problems at school and the difficulty of getting a good job without a doctoral degree.

Datta testified that in early 2012, she and another student asked Holmes to see a therapist, and Holmes said he already was.

Holmes has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity in the attack at a suburban Denver movie theater that killed 12 people and injured 70.