Colorado River flowing into Mexican delta under landmark 2012 water agreement with US

Colorado River water has begun pouring over a barren delta in Mexico, the result of a landmark agreement between the U.S. and Mexico.

An event to celebrate the flow of water from Mexico's Morelos Dam is scheduled Thursday in Los Algodones, Mexico, near Yuma, Ariz. Restoration of the Colorado River delta is part of a far-reaching accord in 2012 that ended years of acrimony between the U.S. and Mexico over how to share the 1,400-mile waterway.

Farms, businesses and homes in seven western U.S. states and two states in northwest Mexico rely on the Colorado River, but the river's last 70 miles in Mexico to the Sea of Cortez dried up decades ago.

On Sunday, the river's most southern dam began unleashing enough water to supply more than 200,000 homes for a year. The one-time release is expected to last until May 18.