Cold front headed toward Northern Rockies, could provide relief to Glacier firefighters

A cold front is heading toward the Northern Rocky Mountains this weekend, giving firefighters hope for a break from the hot, dry and windy conditions that have hampered their efforts to contain a wildfire burning through Montana's Glacier National Park.

The region is experiencing the severe drought that has stoked other fires across the western U.S., with blazes threatening homes and watersheds in California and Washington state.

The National Weather Service said the front was expected to sweep into the Northern Rockies on Sunday, bringing cooler temperatures, rain and possibly snow at high elevations in Glacier.

That would be a break for the 300 firefighters trying to stop the blaze from spreading northeast down the Glacier's Going-to-the-Sun Road toward populated areas at the park's eastern boundary.

Glacier is the 10th-most-visited park in the National Park Service system.