Check Out Ikea's Dreamy, Emotional and Beautiful Ad

If your relationship can survive the ultimate test of shopping through the chaos of an Ikea store, you know it’ll stand the test of time.

It’s no secret the process of building a home together -- painting, construction, picking out furniture -- can be especially stressful. But it can also provide great memories.

In its new ad, “Wonderful Life,” Ikea focuses on that idea, that even the little things mean a lot. The 90-second video begins with a young couple painting designs on the wall of a small studio space in the ‘60s. It proceeds to flash through time as the couple age and take on life together, invoking the same sort of nostalgia you might feel while watching the opening of the movie Up!

In the couple's life together, those small moments translate to big events. Working on the house together makes them feel like pioneers. A badminton win is like dominating Wimbledon. An anniversary dance is like being in the Broadway spotlight. Buying a new car is like completing the Grand Prix.

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For them, every memory is magic.

"It was our first opportunity to talk about what we mean by 'The Wonderful Everyday' -- Ikea's philosophy," says creative director Tim McNaughton of ad agency Mother London, according to AdWeek. "What we've always tried to do for Ikea is start with a truth that people can connect with, then bring it to life in as surprising a way as we can. I feel like this film stays true to that as much as any we've done."

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Though the intention for the ad, debuted in the U.K. and Ireland, wasn’t exactly to make folks cry, it was to tell a story, one that Ikea could help convey as life twists and turns. Even when the other might be gone, as the end of the ad shows, those memories -- and Ikea -- will still be there for the little things.

The message could be a bit deep for a furniture store, especially one infamous for providing a base board for a myriad of dueling couples and heartbreak. The effort to hit viewers right in the feels isn’t a new marketing strategy, anyway. Take, for example, Budweiser's puppy ad.