Cash from website fund helps pay for George Zimmerman's living expenses

A lawyer for George Zimmerman, above, says some of the money raised by a defense fund website is paying for Zimmerman's security and living expenses. (AP)

A lawyer for George Zimmerman says some of the money raised by a defense fund website is paying for Zimmerman's security and living expenses while he stays in hiding before his trial in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, said on his website that just under $50,000 of the more than $200,000 raised by Zimmerman's now-defunct Internet page is being used for his security and setting up his living arrangements in hiding. Zimmerman has about $15,000 in cash.

The other $150,000 raised by the website has been turned over to an independent administrator to manage.

Zimmerman has an arraignment hearing Tuesday. But he already has pleaded not guilty and didn't plan to attend.

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