Can Your Company's Culture Disrupt the Sales Side of Your Business?

In today’s work environment it’s safe to say that having a solid company culture is a good thing – something worth striving for. There has been plenty of research detailing how great culture has a positive internal influence on retention and/or productivity. So when the lines between great culture and client perception begin to merge, it can actually help promote sales for your business.

In other words, your culture is no longer for internal use only; it becomes a factor in growth. Traditionally, culture and how a company makes a profit are two very separate things. Today, culture is viewed as a looking glass into whether one wishes to do business or get involved with another. The two have fused.

Related: Why Company Culture Is More Important Than Ever

Think about your product or service. Odds are that several other companies offer something similar or some variation? In order to differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd, culture can be used to your advantage. However, it pays to know your audience -- you don’t want your culture to backfire and turn you into a leper.

Related: What Company Culture Is Really About

Keep these tips in mind when mixing culture and sales:

  1. It starts in the office. How a company treats their employees is a good indicator of how they treat their clients. You are likely to attract more business when your reputation as a top work destination is well known and your employees constantly gush over the company. This generates trust and advances the integrity of your product.
  2. Get clients involved. Ever think of inviting your clients to company outings? Do it. There’s no better way to fortify a relationship than doing something that is not work related. You bring things down to a personal level and allow them to get a glimpse of the inner workings of the office. It gives clients the opportunity to meet some of the behind the scenes folks that they would generally never end up meeting.
  3. Don’t force it. People can see through a fake or forced culture. This does not bode well for your reputation. If people notice you are trying to be something you’re not, they’re going to wonder what else is hiding behind the curtain. Is your product or service not all that it’s cracked up to be?
  4. Good culture = passion. A good culture leads to happy employees. When employees are happy it shows up in the quality of their work. Clients take notice when an employee is passionate about their company. Consequently, this has an effect on the sales component of your operation. Simple question: Are you more inclined to do business with people who are passionate about where they work, or someone who is lukewarm about their job?

Related: 7 Psychological Strategies for Mastering Sales Negotiations

The days of internal office culture taking a back seat to your product are coming to an end. In today’s environment, transparency is expected. People want to know who they are doing business with. The service provided is now intertwined with how your company is run and/or perceived.