Archbishop's views on immigration clash with Vatican

In stark contrast to the recent words of Pope Francis, His Excellency Gyulia Marfi, Archbishop of Veszprem, Hungary, said Muslim migration is motivated in part by the "desire for conquest."

To the confusion and anger of many Christians worldwide, Pope Francis has defended the mass migration of Muslims to the West and denounced those who would speak truthfully about the clear link between Islam and terrorism. This has created consternation within much of the clergy, many of whom wish Pope Francis would choose his words more carefully.

"Jesus said, 'Be meek as doves,' but he also said, 'Be wise as serpents,'" Archbishop Marfi said in an interview with the publication Riscossa Cristiana. "Just because we love wolves inasmuch as they are God's creation, we don't let them loose among the sheep -- even if they arrive dressed like sheep."

"The Holy Father ought not state certain things in a strong manner, as then the Muslims may take revenge on the Christians of the Middle East," Marfi added.

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"There have always been environmental disasters and wars, but the fact that there is enormous pressure on Europe cannot be accidental. The desire for conquest may play a part. For this, the Arab banks provide support. They don't let them into Qatar or the United Arab Emirates, but instead give them money and urge them to immigrate here," the archbishop noted.

The archbishop cautioned, however, that Muslims cannot be blamed entirely for the migrant crisis, and criticized globalists for the fact that the West presents such a willing and easy target to its would-be conquerors.

"Migration doesn't only have causes, but has also some objectives ... The multinationals have need of cheap labor -- in other words, modern slaves," Marfi said, criticizing those who would see their own countries destroyed just for a little extra profit.

Marfi's words highlight the growing disillusionment with the liberal Pope Francis among the more conservative Catholics of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Catholics of a more traditionalist bent worldwide.

Pope Francis' recent visit to Poland for , was met by reactions ranging from icy indifference to outright hostility by many of the country's staunchly socially conservative Catholics. Indeed, in the letter issued by the Polish prelature publicizing the event, Pope John Paul II was praised three times -- Pope Francis wasn't mentioned once.

"It is no secret that the message of Francis is ignored by the Polish clergy," wrote Jaroslaw Makowski for the Polish edition of Newsweek magazine in May. But indeed, some clergy go as far as to directly challenge that message.

"When I went to Warsaw in late 2015 to promote the Polish translation of my Francis biography, 'The Great Reformer,' I was stunned by the level of suspicion and criticism leveled against him," wrote Francis biographer Austen Ivereigh for Politico. "Francis, I was told, was 'causing confusion' with his statements, giving succor to the church's critics and in general letting down the church."

"[Secularism] is a leftist policy in which all religions and cultures are equally important, but not the one they grew up in. Christian, of Christ," said one Polish bishop during a sermon recently.

Marfi also warned of the dangers of the corrosive effects that liberal modernism and multiculturalism have on Western civilization -- and illustrated how those disastrous consequences effectively made the globalists' need for cheap labor inevitable.

"In Europe even now everything speaks of Christianity ... We can see it all around us, in the architecture, in the arts, in literature and music, and everywhere we are aware that the most determining values are those born of Christianity," Marfi said.

"If we throw all of this away, nothing will be left for us and our culture will have lost its sense. An even graver problem is that if we renounce our moral values, then sexuality, love, affection, and life are all separated from each other. This creates not only an ideological vacuum but also a demographic one. And so the immigrants arrive."

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