Appeals court says lawsuit by Texas cheerleaders over Bible-themed football banners was moot

An appeals court has ruled a lawsuit filed by Southeast Texas high school cheerleaders who had fought to display banners emblazoned with Bible verses at football games was moot because school district policy was changed to allow such banners.

Parents of Kountze High School cheerleaders sued after the district said the banners couldn't be displayed. A judge last year ruled the banners are constitutionally permissible.

An appeals court in Beaumont on Thursday overturned the main crux of the judge's ruling, saying the parents' claims had been moot because the district's policy change resolved the dispute.

The payment of lawyers' fees is still in question.

Thomas Brandt, the district's attorney, has hailed the ruling a victory for the district.

Hiram Sasser, the cheerleaders' attorney, says he's considering appealing the decision.