A glance at the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse trial

KEY DEVELOPMENTS: A jury of 16, including four alternates, was seated Wednesday in Jerry Sandusky's child sexual abuse trial. Ten of them have ties to Penn State. They include an engineering administrative assistant, a dance teacher in the continuing education program and a professor who has been on the faculty for 24 years. Despite the links, both the defense and prosecution were happy with the selections.

ODDS AND ENDS: Sandusky smiled when he arrived at court and remained jocular during jury selection, asking reporters in the courtroom: "What did you guys do to deserve me? How'd you guys get stuck with this? Aye aye aye."

WHAT'S NEXT: A break in the trial until Monday, when opening arguments begin. Until then, the judge has ordered jurors to avoid any mention of the case, be it online, in the newspaper, on television or on the radio.

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