2 missing teen girls believed to be on trip with 2 teen boys

Eastern Iowa authorities say two missing 15-year-old girls apparently have gone on a planned trip with two boys from the western Iowa town of Atlantic.

Benton County Sheriff Randy Forsyth says the teenagers aren't believed to be in any danger.

Forsyth says a call from one boy's cellphone went to a Pennsylvania number, but investigators aren't sure whether that's the teens' destination.

Missing are 16-year-old Corey Sunderman, 13-year-old Austin Boggs, both of Atlantic, and 15-year-old Skie Floyd and Jazlyn Visek, from the Shellsburg area.

Crystal Sunderman, the mother of Corey Sunderman, says Skie Floyd and her son had been dating and that the trip was planned.

She told Atlantic radio station KJAN that the four may be on their way to Florida for a skateboarding event.