2 Marine generals forced to retire for roles in deadly breach of base in Afghanistan

The Marine Corps' top leader has forced two two-star generals to retire for what he called their failure to secure a base in Afghanistan attacked by the Taliban last year, killing two Marines and destroying several aircraft.

The commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James Amos, said Monday he took the action after reviewing the findings of a four-month investigation by the U.S. Central Command. Fifteen Taliban fighters penetrated Camp Bastion in southwestern Afghanistan in a September 2012 attack that was one of the most brazen of the war.

Amos said he asked Maj. Gen. Charles M. Gurganus and Maj. Gen. Gregg A. Sturdevant to retire. They agreed to do so.

Gurganus was commander of all coalition forces in southwestern Afghanistan. Sturdevant was commander of Marine aviation in the area.