2 former Georgia prison inmates accused of Pennsylvania jury duty scam involving $990 fines

Two former Georgia state prison inmates have been jailed on charges they phoned Pittsburgh-area residents and scammed six into wiring $990 each, supposedly to pay fines for missing jury duty.

The Allegheny County sheriff's office expects more victims to emerge as it continues investigating suspects Antonio Jones and Taurus Thurmond. The men were in a Georgia jail awaiting extradition to Pennsylvania on Monday.

The sheriff's office says it learned of the scam on Easter weekend when about 30 people called saying they'd received phone calls about fines for missing jury duty.

Investigators say they traced the calls to phones with the Pittsburgh region's 412 area code and tied the phones to the suspects through the Georgia State Probation system.

Online court records don't list defense attorneys for the suspects, who can't be reached for comment in jail.