Tucker: Politicians can't part with the enormous amount of power they amassed

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," July 28, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Have you been reading the news recently? How would you describe to your grandchildren 50 years from now the moment that we're living through? Well, if you're looking for a single snapshot that perfectly distills the pure hallucinogenic absurdity of it, consider the Biden administration's new guidance on COVID.

We learned yesterday that America's children are going to spend yet another year with covered faces, this despite the fact that masks are demonstrably terrible for kids and the kids face no meaningful threat from the coronavirus, but it doesn't matter, the White House says that kids have to wear their masks, and so they will.

We also learned yesterday that the administration is going to force Federal employees to take the COVID vaccine, the mandate will start with government healthcare workers. Now, some of these healthcare workers, for reasons that no one has bothered to explain or even ask about, have so far refused to take the vaccine. But now, Kamala Harris is going to make them, these healthcare workers.

Ponder that for a moment. So, Willie Brown's girlfriend is claiming she knows more about Medicine than nurses and doctors do. She is an expert on the subject, and so by the way is her 78-year-old business partner, the one who seems adrift in fantasy a lot of the time and tends to nod out in mid- sentence. He is a medical expert, too.

Watch him explain that once you've had the vaccine, you don't need to wear a mask.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think it's a great milestone, a great day. It's been made possible by the extraordinary success we've had in vaccinating so many Americans so quickly.

When your country asks you to get vaccinated, you did. The American people stepped up.

You did what I consider to be your patriotic duty. That's how we've gotten to this day.

If you've been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat, if you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.


CARLSON: "Let me repeat. If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask." And we believe that, it made sense and by the way, that was the settled science. It was just two months ago back in May. Only Russian spies and white supremacists questioned that science.

Of course, you don't need a mask once you've had the vaccine. Why would you? The COVID vaccine is a miracle. It's like the moon landing. Patriots get it. The vaccine is foolproof. It's all you need.

Again, we believe that because it made sense, and then we saw something very strange. We saw Kamala Harris and her husband --whose name is either Doug or Douglas depending on the source -- kiss each other in public with masks on. And this was weird because we knew that both of them had been vaccinated, and that's when we started to wonder.

Now, either this was some kind of weird fetish ritual they're into, "Get the mask, it's time to kiss," or else the White House wasn't telling us everything about the vaccine. Well, they're still not telling us everything about the vaccine, but yesterday they dropped more clues about it.

The administration now says that all people including people who have been vaccinated are going to have to wear masks, but only depending upon where they live. So, if you're in something called a high or substantial COVID transmission region, you better prepare to put on your little mask. Now, what are those regions? What does this mean exactly?

Well, for the answer to that pressing question, which could affect your life, we go right to the source. Here is the man who helped to create COVID in the first place. Watch him explain.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: The recommendations and the guidelines have been changed to say that if you are vaccinated even though you are vaccinated, you are in an indoor public setting in an area of the country with a high degree of viral dynamics, namely the red and orange sections on the C.D.C. chart, then you need to wear a mask even though you are vaccinated.


CARLSON: Well, that makes total sense. Of course, you're required to wear a mask even if you've been vaccinated depending upon where you live or how do you know if you live in one of those places? Well, according to Dr. Fauci, you just check the red and orange sections on the C.D.C. chart. Oh, right. The red and orange sections on the C.D.C. chart that you keep in your wallet next to your AAA card, just look carefully, and if you do, you'll see the red and orange sections account for more than 60 percent of the entire United States of America.

Where? Well, Union County, Oregon. That's on the map. Union County, Oregon has a population of 25,000 people. It's small, it's pretty. People literally think it's nice, but the C.D.C. calls it dangerous. That's strange.

Union County, Oregon hasn't had a single COVID death in nearly two months. It doesn't matter, it's red and orange, so wear your mask if you wind up there, if you dare.

Same with Washington, D.C. It was a red and orange zone as of yesterday afternoon. Officials in Washington report that just two people have died of COVID in the past two weeks. It doesn't matter, the administration will be requiring mask use there anyway.

According to Willie Brown's girlfriend, that's science.

But is it science? Look at this chart of COVID deaths in the U.K. They're right on your screen now.

Now, the numbers have been low -- pretty low since April. But what's interesting is that those numbers have stayed low even after the British government lifted its mandatory mask mandate. That's weird.

As one economist who studies the subject, as JPMorgan put it and we're quoting, "The current delta wave is turning out to be much, much milder than we had anticipated." Oh wow. That sounds like a good news. Has anyone told the politicians? No, don't bother. They don't want to hear it.

In Los Angeles, officials brought back the mask mandate when COVID cases moved up so slightly it is hard even to measure the rise on a chart. Look at it, here's the graph. This is a graph of COVID cases in Los Angeles County.

We put a line at the point where politicians in LA brought back the mask mandate. They said they had to because there was a spike. You're looking at the spike. That's the spike they cited as a justification.

Well as you'll note, if your eyes are open, it is barely noticeable.

So, the question is, do politicians in Los Angeles know something that we don't know? We can't be sure of that. We do know fairly certainly that the news media are lying about the actual science in order to justify the new restrictions. Now, why would they want to do that? We have no idea. But that's exactly what they're doing.

Here is one example. In Florida, the "Sun Sentinel" newspaper recently ran this headline quote, "New COVID cases nearly double in Florida -- the worst in the nation." Holy smokes. Better run to Georgia and to show how scary this was in the State of Florida, the otherwise placid state to which so many are moving, they included a chart that shows an uptick in positive test results. You're seeing it on your screen now and it's terrifying.

So those are the test results, but actually who cares. What matters is the harm and what the "Sun Sentinel" did not include is the chart that shows COVID deaths. I wonder why. Oh, because those are near zero and that's a very different picture as you can see, and of course that's the picture that actually matters. That's the picture from which we ought to be making public health policy.

Now, it wasn't so long ago that all of us understood that. People like Tony Fauci in fact told us out loud that the goal was to keep people from dying of COVID, and that sounded very reasonable to everybody. That's why they said we needed the vaccine and that's why millions of people took the vaccine. Now, that they have taken the vaccine, politicians have decided that actually they can't part with the enormous unprecedented levels of power they have amassed over the last year, so they are going to keep ordering you around regardless of the science.

And of course, Tony Fauci is going to do his best to defend it all because in the end, he is one of them.


FAUCI: Something has changed and what has changed is the virus. The C.D.C. hasn't changed and the C.D.C. hasn't really flip-flopped at all.


CARLSON: Yes, the C.D.C. there's been no flip-flops at all. We've been totally consistent. If it looks like we repainted the slogans on the side of the barn, all animals are created equal, but some are equal. It is just an illusion. No flip-flops.

We seem to remember that in the past year, Tony Fauci has gone from telling us not to wear masks. They are totally useless, and plus, doctors need them to wear masks or you will die, to wear three masks or you will die, to don't wear any masks at all, back to now, you'd better wear masks.

And now, he is telling us he has never flip-flopped on masks.

So, YouTube had better get to work tonight deleting all of those previous videos or else we're going to have a lot of trouble believing Tony Fauci, and no doubt, they are deleting them even as we speak.

The bottom line whether you believe Fauci or not is that this is getting very confusing. This is an administration that has told us they're in charge of our health and in charge of fighting this global pandemic. They're not doing a good job of explaining what the science is. In fact, they're doing such a bad job that even Kamala Harris doesn't seem to know what she thinks.

Here was Harris just yesterday, even as she spoke, contradicting her own administration's guidance by explaining as Joe Biden did two months ago that once you get vaccinated, actually, you don't have to wear a mask.

Now as you watch this, see if you can spot the clue that it's just possible that Kamala Harris doesn't really believe what she is saying as she says it. See if you can spot it.


KAMALA HARRIS (D), VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: People need to get vaccinated, that's the only way we're going to cut this thing off. Nobody likes wearing a mask, get vaccinated.


CARLSON: See, you don't have to wear a mask if you're vaccinated says the vaccinated lady who is wearing a mask. Does your head hurt yet trying to follow this? You know, it might just be easier to stop thinking entirely and just obey. Maybe that's the real message here.

On the other hand -- and we're trying to be charitable -- it is possible the administration's guidance is so all over the map, so lacking in scientific substance, and so confusing that Kamala Harris can't follow it despite her extensive medical background as someone who dated Willie Brown. That's possible.

Now, Rochelle Walensky is an actual doctor. She went to Harvard. She is the Director in fact of the C.D.C. She's never been elected to anything, but since this is a pandemic, Rochelle Walensky's word is law. It's more powerful than anything that Congress produces. She is her own Federal agency. In fact, she sits between King and God, somewhere there on the continuum.

So listen carefully as Rochelle Walensky tells you that COVID is killing twice as many children as influenza does. Watch.


DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY, DIRECTOR, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION: I think it's really important for people to understand that this is not a benign disease in kids compared to other diseases that our kids see. So, if you look at the mortality rate of COVID just this past year for children, it's more than twice the mortality rate that we see in influenza in a given year.


CARLSON: So, you're not supposed to question that and you know, we didn't really dare to check those numbers because who are we to check the numbers from an unelected Federal bureaucrat when she is commanding us to obey, so we didn't. We just took it at face value.

But a guy called Phil Kerpen who is a columnist and good at math had some free time, he decided to check the C.D.C. numbers on what the C.D.C. Director just claimed on CNN, and what did he find? He found that the Director of the C.D.C. has no idea what she is talking about, so here are the actual numbers from the C.D.C. website.

From 2019 to 2020, according to the C.D.C., a total of 124 children died of COVID. From 2020 to this year, which is not done yet, a total of 213 children died of COVID. Now by comparison, the influenza virus killed more than 400 children just last year, and in fact that was not an aberration, influenza has killed far more children than COVID has in each of the past five years. In fact, it's not even close.

And all of that is assuming that the C.D.C.'s numbers on underage deaths from COVID are accurate and it looks like they're not. In a recent report, the C.D.C. itself acknowledges it could be vastly over reporting the number of children who have died from COVID. The C.D.C. report says that when considering everyone who died of COVID, roughly 2.5 of those who died had a co-existing medical condition unrelated to their deaths.

But for children under the age of 18, that number went up dramatically. It was over 35 percent of children who died from COVID had what the C.D.C. called a quote, "unrelated medical condition." In other words, more than a third of children who were listed on the official records as dying from COVID had a co-morbidity that the C.D.C. assures us cannot possibly be related to COVID, but it appears upon closer examination that the comorbidities might in fact be related to the deaths of those children.

We're going to pause here and say, why are we getting so precise about these numbers? Because these numbers are being used to justify putting a mask on your third grader for an entire freaking year at school. What's the effect on a child of doing that? Of sitting in a classroom full of people whose faces he can't see? Of breathing cotton fiber for 10 hours a day every day? They are profound, so these numbers matter.

So, for every other age group, these sorts of comorbidities are much rare and that makes sense when you consider that COVID is much less dangerous for children. Now, Joseph Allen is a scientist who works in "The Lancet's" COVID committee. He found that quote, "Three major studies over the past year all found the risk of death to be in the range of one in a hundred thousand to one in one million. Hospitalization rates for school-aged children younger than 12 (the group that can't get vaccinated yet) hovered around three or four per million throughout the pandemic."

If you need perspective, those are extremely low numbers, much lower than the C.D.C. Director just claimed. Dr. Marty Makary who works at Johns Hopkins found a quote, "mortality rate of zero among children without a preexisting medical condition such as leukemia." So, in the face of those numbers, which they are lying about, based on their own reporting, this is apples to apples. The Director of the C.D.C. just lied about what the numbers are that her own organization produces, but based on those numbers, they are saying that kids should be forced to wear masks and take the COVID vaccine.

Clearly, there is no science to back that up. But, Rochelle Walensky does not care, she is instead full force leading the charge for more mandates for children and adults. In fact, according to Rochelle Walensky, we need vaccine passports to make certain that people who haven't gotten the shot can't leave their homes or make a living.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: I know they're doing it in Europe, but you're not C.D.C. Director of Europe, which I'm sure you're plenty happy about, but they're issuing health passes there, right, where you know, you can go to a disco or a discotheque as they like to call it there, if you have a health pass. Is that something that the C.D.C. would ever lean into or perhaps advise here?

WALENSKY: You know, I think some communities are doing that and that may very well be a path forward.


CARLSON: That may very well be a path forward. Where are people who are going to like protect us against this? This is insane. Who's going to stand up and say so? No one so far.

And so instead, the floor is left to Rochelle Walensky and people like her, manipulators of data, liars. We need vaccines immediately. Everybody should be forced to get one.

Now if there's one message around COVID that has been consistent from the Biden administration from day one, it's that. Get the vaccine, don't ask questions. The Biden administration's lackeys in the media have pushed the same message from day one with increasing ferocity and humorlessness. What is going on here?

Max Boot of "The Washington Post," the dumbest columnist ever to work at that newspaper just explained the quote, "progressive case for forced vaccinations," quote, "Words I never thought I'd write, Saudi Arabia is being more progressive than America," says Boot. "Saudis will need to show proof of vaccination to enter schools, shops, malls, restaurants, concerts, public transportation."

Oh, that's progressive, forcing people to take medicine they don't want to take. By the way, the vaccination rate in Saudi Arabia is far lower than the vaccination rate in the United States, but they're more progressive somehow, because they use more force. That's how distorted the left has become.

But the bigger question is, if the vaccine works as well as they claim it does, why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID? It's not just happening to Democrats who flee Texas to stop the legislature from working, it's happening to a lot of people, probably people you know.

Most of them are fine, not all of them, but they're still getting COVID.

Piers Morgan tested positive for COVID after taking both doses of the AstraZeneca shot in the U.K. Milwaukee Brewers outfielder, Christian Yelich also tested positive after getting vaccinated, a medical assistant from Minneapolis called Jummai Nache had to have her legs amputated after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

And in New Orleans, a 33-year-old fully vaccinated business owner called Angelle Mosley just died of corona. Now why did this happen? We don't know. We're not Rochelle Walensky. We're not going to make up stuff if we can't actually answer it. But it's becoming really clear the science is slightly more complicated. It doesn't mean the vaccine doesn't work or it's not worth taking, but don't lie to us. It doesn't always work.

You know people who've gotten COVID after getting a double vaxx, again it doesn't mean it's not worth taking, but stop lying to us. If you want us to have confidence in your medicine, then tell us the full truth, but they won't. They've been telling us for six months that this vaccine is perfect, but clearly in some cases, it doesn't always work.

And that's not our theory, by the way. Take it from the guy who created COVID. Watch this.


FAUCI: Now that we have a delta variant, that has changed the entire landscape, because when you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with delta, it is exactly the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person who is infected. That's the problem.

So, those data were very compelling and that triggered the change in the C.D.C. guideline.


CARLSON: So, the level of virus -- and we're quoting now -- " ... is exactly the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person." What? What does that even mean? We're not even going to speculate as to what that means. But if this administration is trying to reassure the country and justify forcing people to take medicine they don't want, maybe they should wake up and figure out what they're trying to say and then explain it to people.

The truth is, we don't know and we don't know what we don't know and here is how we know that we don't know what we don't know about this vaccine. The other day, Pfizer's purchase agreement with the Albanian government leaked out onto the internet.

A lot of fascinating things in that document, lots of legalese, but in between it all were quotes like this -- and this is from that document -- "Purchaser acknowledges the long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the vaccine that are not currently known." Was that reassuring? What are those effects? And why don't we know? And why can't we ask?

No one is pausing to ask questions at this moment though. That's not allowed. Nancy Pelosi definitely won't allow it. You're an anti-vaxxer if you ask those questions.

Do masks work? She doesn't care. Pelosi is threatening to punish any Member of Congress who doesn't wear a mask on the House floor, and most obey. Watch this.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Members are reminded that under House Resolution 38, the Sergeant-at-Arms is authorized and directed to impose a fine against any Member acting in violation of this policy.


CARLSON: Oh, Nancy Pelosi pose is going to fine you if you don't pretend that it's science when it's clearly just a form of social control. Most Republicans went along with this, not all of them did though. Chip Roy, a Member of Congress from Texas just delivered remarks against it.

Here's part of what Chip Roy said.


REP. CHIP ROY (R-TX): We have a crisis at our border and we're playing footsie with mask mandates in the People's House. I mean, it's absolutely absurd what this body is doing, the People's House. It's an embarrassment, it's a mockery.

And the American people are fed up. They want to go back to life. They want to go back to business. They want to go back to school without their children being forced to wear masks, to be put in the corner to have mental health issues.

And the Speaker comes down here at 10 o'clock in the morning saying we've got to wear masks in the People's House? Well, we've got thousands of people pouring across our border and Democrats don't do a darn thing about it.

We are absolutely sick and tired of it, and so are the American people.

This sham of an institution is doing nothing for the American people, nothing for the betterment of the people that send their Representatives here.


CARLSON: Why didn't they all say that? Hard to know, but Chip Roy did. Congressman Chip Roy joins us now.

Congressman, thanks so much for coming on and for saying what you did. Why were you the only one who said that?

ROY: Well, good to be on, Tucker. Look, I mean, I wish more of my colleagues were down there and is fed up and demonstrating how fed up the American people as I am. You know, look you said it in your monologue, right? I mean, over the last year, what have we seen? I mean, first it was two weeks to flatten the curve. C.D.C. was saying, you don't need to wear masks.

Then suddenly, it was you've got to wear masks, then it was our schools need to be shut down, our businesses need to be shut down, then they were against the vaccine, then they were for the vaccine.

Now, they think the vaccine is something you must take. Now, they're backing off and saying, well, wait, now we've got to get masked again.

Here in Washington, D.C., Republicans met and forced a conversation with the Capitol physician here on Capitol Hill. You know what we learned today, Tucker? The Capitol physician based his decision to re-require Members of Congress to put masks on again based on a study that failed peer review, is unpublished based on a vaccine in India that is not, you know, approved here in the United States.

And on that basis, he decided yesterday to say, oh, okay, we're going to restore a mask mandate on the House of Representatives floor. And you know, I asked a simple question. Our job as representatives of the people is to stand up and represent them and when you say we have to wear masks, we're sending a signal to our country to lay down in fear, for our kids to have to be in the corners as I said this morning on the floor and I'm over it.

I'm sick of it. I'm watching Texas get decimated with opioids flowing into Texas, fentanyl. La Joya, Texas right now, we have a hotel filled with individuals who came here illegally that Catholic Charities put in a hotel that they knew had COVID.

And here we are saying, oh, we're going to have to wear masks on the floor of the House, but we're going to do nothing to stop the flow of people coming across our border. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. I introduced legislation for a discharge petition to require the enforcement of Title 42 so that we will turn people away at the border who have COVID rather than forcing this ridiculousness on the American people.

And you know what? Only about 125 of my Republican colleagues have signed that petition yet. Where are the other 80 Republicans?

CARLSON: I'd love to read their names on the air tomorrow, so text us. And by the way, don't get your annual checkup from the House physician because that sounds worrisome.

ROY: I won't, Tucker, and by the way, these are the same Republicans who are saying we should draft our daughters, and we're going to have to talk about that another day.

CARLSON: Man, any time, draft -- draft -- they're insane. Congressman Chip Roy of Texas, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

ROY: God bless you.

CARLSON: So, whistleblowers in the administration now revealing that some people don't have to follow these new COVID rules. You can imagine who they are. They're not here legally.

Plus, we rode with law enforcement along the southern border for a brand new episode of our documentary series. We've got an exclusive look at that next.


CARLSON: New developments on the southern border tonight. It is becoming obvious that open borders are in effect, the policy, the official policy of the Biden administration. AXIOS reports tonight that approximately 50,000 migrants caught crossing the southern border have been released into our country without a court date.

Now, technically those migrants have been instructed to report to I.C.E. offices, but they don't. Studies show only about 10 percent of them have done, probably fewer than that will.

An immigration official just told this show that this is now Standard Operating Procedure, so you get caught crossing the border not just from Mexico or Honduras or Guatemala, but maybe from across the ocean, maybe from the Middle East, from Africa, from the Caribbean, and you're told to show up at an I.C.E. office wherever you choose to settle.

And according to two whistleblowers from Joe Biden's H.H.S., many of these migrants are infected with COVID-19, quote: "Hundreds of children contracted COVID in the overcrowded conditions in the migrant shelters." The whistleblower said in a new Federal complaint, "Adequate masks were not consistently provided to children or was their use consistently enforced." Think about that. Your kindergartner is going to be forced to wear a mask because the teachers unions are in charge of the Biden administration's health policy, but illegal migrants with COVID don't have to wear masks.

How does that work? Well, because they are future Democratic Party voters. They can do what they want, and we know the Biden administration is not even bothering to figure out where they're going.

This is one of the great scandals of our age and no one is stopping it.

We went down to the border town of Uvalde, Texas for a brand new episode of our documentary series. It's called "Tucker Carlson Originals." The documentary is called "The Illegal Invasion" and it's a look at why so many illegal aliens are flooding the border and what they've done to the people who live there.

Here's a look at what we found.


CARLSON (on camera): Joe Biden took office in January of 2021. One of the very first things he did was deliberately provoke what may be the largest surge in illegal immigration in American history.

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Nobody is going to be deported in my first hundred days.

CARLSON (voice over): Foreign nationals from around the world from Congo to Haiti to Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador to the Middle East all heard Joe Biden's call.



MELUGIN: Ghana? You're from Ghana.

CARLSON (voice over): In the first six months of the Biden presidency, nearly a million foreign nationals arrived in this country. They came up through Mexico. What is life like for the Americans who live along the Mexican border? We thought we'd find out.

MAYOR DON MCLAUGHLIN, UVALDE, TEXAS: In the last six months, it's become the Wild, Wild West.

CARLSON (on camera): Don McLaughlin is the Mayor of Uvalde, Texas. Uvalde is about 60 miles from the Mexican border. We interviewed him earlier this year, and when we did, he invited us to come visit him in Uvalde. We took him up on the offer. This is what we found/

CARLSON (voice over): The mass arrival of foreign nationals into this small Texas town has made life miserable for the people who live there.

WESTON ROBERTSON, UVALDE, TEXAS RESIDENT: This has become a third world country.

CARLSON (voice over): Weston Robertson lives on 22 acres near the railroad tracks.

ROBERTSON: I carry a firearm 24 hours a day out here all the time, even my mother who is elderly will not even leave the house to go outside to water flowers without her personally carrying a firearm.

MCLAUGHLIN: If you live on the edge of town and you're out in your yard, chances are, you've got a shotgun or a pistol out there with you, and it shouldn't be that way.

CARLSON (voice over): But it is that way. Uvalde residents watch helplessly as Central Americans, Haitians, even people from Africa cross their fields, break into their sheds and camp on their land.

ROBERTSON: They're coming into these cars and spending the night. There's food package from where they're sitting in here eating.

CARLSON (voice over): Since the new administration took office, the Federal government is no longer willing to enforce existing immigration law.

Americans living in Uvalde have no option, but to defend themselves.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I cannot even go from my house to my barn or to our chicken coop or anywhere without carrying a gun. I don't even leave my house without it.

CARLSON (voice over): This woman spoke on the condition of anonymity. She fears retaliation from the Mexican cartels which she says are operating in Uvalde.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I came out one day, I had four men running directly at my house, where one tried to break into our house while I was here.

UVALDE: Our crime is up. Our car break-ins are up. Our house burglaries are up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It seems like, we just don't have as many rights as even the illegals do. You know, I will defend my house if I had to.


CARLSON: You can watch the full episode of that. It's called "The Illegal Invasion." It hits foxnation.com tomorrow morning.

Well, we told you the N.S.A. had been spying on this show. Now, the N.S.A. has made a major admission about what they're doing. We have that for you next.


CARLSON: Glenn Greenwald is standing by an important Intelligence story, but first, our nightly reminder that Adam Kinzinger is still crying.


REP. ADAM KINZINGER (R-IL): I never expected the day to be so quite as emotional for me as it has been.

You know you talk about the impact of that day, but you guys won. You guys held. You know, democracies are not defined by our bad days, we are defined by how we come back from bad days. How we take accountability for that.


CARLSON: Actually, our producers have corrected. That was yesterday, but we can say with absolute certainty that no matter where he is, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois is doubtless, weeping into his Casa Amigos. It's a tough world.

Buck up, Adam. We're going to make it.

Well, a media outlet called "The Record," which is owned by a cybersecurity company recently published a story about the N.S.A.'s monitoring of this show, effectively admitting that it happened. Our identity, "The Record" said was included in an Intel intercept and then quote, "unmasked."

Intercepted -- "The Record" rather did not explain how that would be legal, but it happened as we said it did.

Glenn Greenwald is an independent journalist. You can read him and you should on "Substack," which is an unfiltered and uncontrolled website for people who are independent.

Glenn, thanks so much for coming on tonight. So, unmasked.

Why in the world would the U.S. government be unmasking journalists, particularly ones who are critical of them?

GLENN GREENWALD, JOURNALIST: Yes, I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep myself composed after that emotional footage you played about Congressman Kinzinger --

CARLSON: I'm sorry. And I'm sorry. I am sorry, I didn't, you know --

GREENWALD: But that is, I think -- yes, I mean, you should have given me a warning. I'm really on the verge of tears myself here after having heard that.


GREENWALD: You know, I think the critical question is exactly what you just asked, which is -- let's remember that the fundamental principle is that the N.S.A. is not supposed to be using its spying powers on American citizens unless it gets a warrant, which obviously didn't have with regard to you.

Sometimes though, they do find out things that you're doing or saying if you're for example talking to somebody who they are spying on or people they're spying on are talking about things you said or done, and when that happens, there are supposed to be protections in place for American citizens. They are supposed to hide your identity so that your privacy isn't invaded, which is what happens when they learn things that you're doing without a warrant.

In limited circumstances, they have the right to unmask the identity of the American citizen who appears in their record and then disseminate it through the Intelligence Community. For example, if they listen to people saying we want to kill Journalist A, of course they would want to unmask it to warn the journalist that they're being targeted. None of that happened here.

And yet, where is the media complaining about that "The Washington Post" actually published a story by their media critic, Erik Wemple who has no experience reporting on surveillance justifying that the N.S.A. did this and claiming that you have no grounds for complaining about it. What conceivable justification is there, Tucker, for the N.S.A. to have gone and said, we want to know this journalist's name who is trying to get an interview with Vladimir Putin?

And the reason the media doesn't care, and in fact supports the N.S.A. is because they're on the side of the Intelligence Community and are very happy when those powers are abused for ideological ends against their ideological enemy, which I'm sorry to say includes you.

CARLSON: Well, that's exactly what it was. I mean, they spread to news outlets that I was talking to Russians in an effort to discredit and then control me. Of course, that's the point. That's why we don't allow it.

So, I want to get your reaction, speaking of Federal powers that may be abused. BuzzFeed reported that most of the people involved in that famous plot, right before the election, to kidnap the Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer were in fact working for the F.B.I. You've covered a lot of these stories over the years. Were you surprised by that -- most of them were working for the F.B.I.?

GREENWALD: You know, I think that as Americans, we are trained -- and I know, even after all the reporting I've done to kind of reflexively disbelieve that the F.B.I. could do something like involve itself in a plot and then either encourage it or allow it. We all have that kind, no, that wouldn't have happened.

But what I'm telling you is, I spent a decade during the first war on terror -- this is the second war on terror -- reporting in one case after the next where the F.B.I. would say, we caught four young Muslims plotting to blow up a bridge, and in almost every case, it turned out that these four young Muslims were not very smart, we're emotionally unstable, we're financially vulnerable, and the only plot that was created was one that was created by the F.B.I. that brought it to them and then used their knowhow of psychological manipulation to lure them into it.

The informants who were paid would do everything possible to get them to agree to it, then the F.B.I. would announce, oh we found this plot that was actually the F.B.I.'s plot in the first place.

CARLSON: That's right.

GREENWALD: So, the only unanswered question that that committee should be asking, instead of in between all the sobbing and weeping and stuff is, what role did the F.B.I. have in terms of being embedded in the three groups they claim plotted this attack on the Capitol? And did they purposely allow it to go forward? Because as the F.B.I. has admitted, we need the citizenry in fear in order to increase our budget, in order to increase our surveillance authorities.

And the one relevant question about January 6th that hasn't been answered is the one that the media and the Congress has declared off limits to ask.

CARLSON: Boy, they hate it, and in fact, Republican Members of Congress were given instructions by their leaders not to push the F.B.I. on this, which is just mind-blowing, but we should push. I think, we should, and thank you for doing it.

Glenn Greenwald of "Substack." Great to see you.

GREENWALD: Good talking to you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So, all these people are sitting in jail for non-violent offenses six months ago and more than six months ago, almost seven months ago on January 6th, but one thing the D.O.J. will not be investigating under Joe Biden is the thousands of people who died in nursing homes in states controlled by Democratic governors.

Oh, even though as evidence of those deaths have been deliberately under counted. One journalist is not giving up the investigation, maybe the only journalist left in the State of Michigan, Charlie LeDuff joins us next.


CARLSON: The Justice Department is investigating an awful lot of things right now, including possibly you for white supremacy, but here's one thing it is not investigating -- the thousands of people who died in nursing homes in New York and Michigan of COVID.

Now, in the State of New York, officials have admitted to hiding the number of nursing home deaths that resulted because the Governor ordered nursing homes to accept positive patients, people who had COVID were forced into nursing homes, it killed a lot of people.

In the State of Michigan, public records suggest that hundreds of deaths were under counted in the same way, probably not an accident.

Charlie LeDuff is one of the few people who has been on the story from the beginning. He won the Pulitzer Prize back at "The New York Times." He is now host of the "No BS News Hour with Charlie LeDuff," which you can bet lives up to his name. Charlie LeDuff joins us tonight.

So, you've been on this story doggedly for a long time now. Do you think that it deserves a D.O.J. investigation?

CHARLIE LEDUFF, HOST, "NO BS NEWS HOUR WITH CHARLIE LEDUFF": Look how tired I am talking about it, Tucker. I mean, come on. We're going to do this.

Let me just put it this way, when the news came out, I didn't think it was news. I wasn't surprised. The Democrats take over and it goes away, right?

But on the other side under Barr and the Republicans, it was all so politicized because the language that was used was this: We demand that the State of Michigan turn over all data for public nursing homes. We have 450 nursing homes, but only one is public, one. So, the Governor turned over information for one.

What we really need is an investigation into nursing homes in general. What do we all know now? They are dumps. They are pig slops. People die in them, 400, 000 people a year die from a communicable disease they got from somebody else. Why don't we do that?

In the meantime, in Michigan, we've been on it enough, at least, our Auditor General is going to go through, I believe every death that happened in Michigan in the pandemic and look to see where they lived, so that's at least locally we got some decent news.

CARLSON: Do you feel like as the one guy has been really on this in a highly aggressive way that you're getting honest answers to your straightforward questions about what happened?

LEDUFF: No. No. It is -- look, it's all -- let's remember something about COVID when we look back. It was an election year. The whole thing was weaponized.


LEDUFF: Everything was a political talking point except for the real wellbeing of our old people. No, it was unacceptable? Our governor likes to rewrite history and say nobody was forced back into the nursing home. Madam, it's untrue. Read your own decree. You said, any nursing home with 80 capacity or less had to create one of these wards, and they had to take them.

That's what happened and thank God for the Empire Policy Center in New York who did a study, 10 percent higher death rate because of this policy. It didn't work.

I'm not ready to forget it and move on like all this never happened. So as I told you before, brother, all the way to Supreme Court if that's what we've got to do.

CARLSON: Really quickly, what do you think -- are you close to getting the actual number of deaths in Michigan nursing homes from COVID now?

LEDUFF: Can you say that one more time?

CARLSON: Do you think you know -- do we know the actual number of people who died in Michigan from COVID in nursing homes?

LEDUFF: No. Here's the great thing. The only number we're reporting is the self-reported number that the nursing homes themselves want to give. Why would the nursing homes not want to give you a real number? Well, maybe because the Feds are going to see you, they're going to find you, and they may haul you off the court.

So, there's a lot of reasons not to report it, but early on in this thing, we had a special study: how many people actually died? And it was 50 percent higher than the state was reporting. So, we don't have a true number. We didn't even count -- we didn't require all the old people homes to even report.

Now, I'm getting pissed. I'm getting steamed again.

We've got to do this what? Every month?

CARLSON: Yes, well and we're going to keep doing it.

LEDUFF: Come on.

CARLSON: Because this is one of the real scandals of COVID and I'm grateful that you're covering it. Charlie LeDuff, thanks.

LEDUFF: The biggest one.

CARLSON: Amen. Well, there's more to come on this show, so we'll be back in just a moment.


CARLSON: We wish we had more time. We could go on and on and on and on, but we're out of time. A brand new episode of "Tucker Carlson Originals" is out tomorrow morning. It's called "The Illegal Invasion." It's on foxnation.com.

We'll be back every night at 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink.

And by the way, you can DVR it, according to our producers, presuming you know what that is.

Have the best night ever.

We'll see you tomorrow. Sean Hannity is now.

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