Tucker: How is a parent supposed to respond to this?

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on March 29, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


For decades and decades, the Human Rights Campaign has been, by far, the most powerful gay rights lobby in Washington. You may have just heard of them recently, but they've been around for over 40 years, and for most of that time, HRC's central goal, and they said it many times, was winning the right of gay people to get legally married.

Then, in the summer of 2015, they finally succeeded. They reached their goal. The Supreme Court issued a decision in a case called Obergefell versus Hodges, and overnight, all 50 states were required by law to recognize same-sex marriage.

So, for the Human Rights Campaign, this should have been a moment of unbridled celebration, a dream come true, but it wasn't. It was a crisis and if you don't understand why it was a crisis, then you don't live in Washington surrounded by non-profits.

So, by this point, the Human Rights Campaign had evolved from a scrappy little lobby into a prominent arm of the Democratic Party. It had a huge annual budget, an enormous headquarters building right on 17th Street downtown.

So, the Human Rights Campaign may have outlived its reason for existing. On the other hand, it couldn't just disappear. There was a party to help, but there was a fundraising problem. Why would you give money to a group whose purpose has become obsolete? That was the dilemma and they're not the first.

The Women's Christian Temperance Union faced the same problem after prohibition passed in 1919 and you don't hear a lot about the Women's Christian Temperance Union anymore. HRC desperately hoped to avoid that fate and here is the point of this story: Amazingly, through clever rebranding, they did avoid that fate.

So, in 2014, just before gay marriage became law, HRC's annual budget was about $57 million. That's a lot. Listen to this, by 2021 last year, that same budget had expanded to $65 million. In other words, seven years after reaching its stated goal, its reason for existing, the Human Rights Campaign was raising even more money, a lot more money.

It's like magic. How did they do that?

Well, they did it by changing their mission. So, immediately after the Supreme Court's decision on marriage, HRC began aggressively promoting the idea that the so-called transgender community was being gravely oppressed by American society, by you, and needed their help. In other words, all good people needed to send more money to HRC right away to help the transgender community.

So, the Human Rights Campaign's 2014 annual report, which we read today, barely mentions the word transgender. There is no reference at all of any kind to the idea that a person can change his sex just by wishing it so.

That was during Barack Obama's second term, but even then, that seemed like a pretty farfetched claim, but not anymore. It's at the center of our national conversation and at the center of the Human Rights Campaign.

Their annual report this year promotes transgenderism on virtually every single page. There's a long write up on the organization's transgender justice initiative and a prominently displayed photograph of Joe Biden's latest admiral, Rachel Levine. So, the rebranding worked terrifically. HRC now raises millions and millions from companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, Goldman Sachs, Raytheon, Morgan Stanley, et cetera, every power center in the American economy, all of which fully support now the transgender project.

So, if you're wondering why the moment that same-sex marriage became legal in the United States, at that exact moment, your kid's teachers began to deny the reality of biological sex, now you know why. It was all part of a fundraising campaign from Washington.

If you've ever felt you're caught in the middle of somebody else's fundraising campaign, guess what? You are. And as a result of that fundraising campaign, here's what elementary schools look like now.


PRESCHOOL TEACHER: This has been my first year in preschool with a class of my own. We've been talking about gender and skin color and consent and empathy and our bodies and autonomy. It's been fabulous.

ELEMENTARY TEACHER: I teach my elementary school students about gender identity. Some people are girls, some are boys, some are both, some are neither.

CALIFORNIA TEACHER: I tell this kid, "We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to" and he, like, looks around. He goes," Oh, that one?"


CARLSON: So, every emotionally marginal young woman with a nose ring now teaches at your kid's school. "I teach my elementary school students about gender identity," said one on TikTok, of course. So how is a parent supposed to respond to this? We learned this weekend if someone tells an insulting joke about your wife, you're now allowed to smash them in the face and you get an award for it.

So, what are you allowed to do if some unionized teacher starts talking to your six-year-old about her genitals? Well, nothing is the answer, not one thing. You're not allowed to do anything. You have to sit back and allow that abuse to continue. Then you have to allow the medical establishment to profit from that abuse.

On its website, to name one among many examples, St. Louis Children's Hospital now advertises for quote, "puberty blockers, also called hormone blockers." These, it explains, can quote, "help delay unwanted physical changes that don't match someone's gender identity. Delaying these changes can be an important step in a young person's transition."

Now, these changes are called biology. It is called puberty, which is naturally occurring. What happens when you stop it? Well, we don't know because there are no studies on it. Probably nothing good, and the short term answer to that, is definitely nothing good.

So, this is not medical care. It is ghoulish experimentation on children being abetted by schools and cheered on by the Human Rights Campaign so it can raise more money.

The Attorney General of Texas correctly calls all of this child abuse because of course, that's what it is, and he is launching an investigation into it and into hospitals that give children puberty blockers. Now, puberty blockers are not even, to be clear, F.D.A. approved for children who suffer from gender dysmorphia.

So, why is this being allowed? Well, asking questions about it has outraged the monsters who prescribe life-altering drugs to children for profit. The CEO of Children's Hospital in Canada, for example, complained that what the state of Texas has done was a quote, "ugly assault on the basic dignity of trans-youth and an obstacle to gender affirming care."

So, you notice what's going on here. Corporations have seized the language of the civil rights movement in order to sell more products. Too bad they didn't figure out this scam earlier. They'd be selling all kinds of products. Thalidomide would probably be on sale at your neighborhood pharmacy if they figured this out in the mid-60s, but they now have figured it out.

So, this is the environment, an environment in which healthcare corporations are proudly performing ghoulish experiments on the reproductive systems of children, that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just signed a bill, a defensive bill, really, it's called HB 1557, the Parental Rights in Education Bill.

No matter what you have heard about this bill, it is a popular measure. Two-thirds of Americans support it. In Florida, the majority of Democratic Party primary voters, the most liberal voters in the State of Florida, support this bill -- 52 percent to 36 percent. That's why, as you would expect, HRC and its corporate allies in the media have lied about the bill and what it does. They have to because if they explained it, you'd support it. Here's the governor of Florida yesterday:


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): These leftist politicians, corporate media outlets, some of these activist groups, they actually have read the bill and they are sloganeering because they don't want to admit that they support a lot of the things that we're providing protections against.

For example, they support sexualizing kids in kindergarten. They support injecting woke gender ideology into second grade classrooms. They support enabling schools to quote "transition students" to a quote "different gender without the knowledge of the parent, much less without the parent's consent."


CARLSON: Imagine if you pack your third-grader off to school to learn to read and do math and be prepared to be a citizen in a functioning democracy and while you're at work, that child, that third grader, is being taught by his or her teacher, the one with the nose ring and the emotional problems, that actually you're the wrong gender and you need to transition.

How is that not child abuse? If a stranger on the bus or in the park talked to your third-grader about her genitals that would be a crime, but it's not when the emotionally marginal chick with a nose ring does it in the classroom? Well, it is a crime and the bill in Florida specifically bans it.

The bill bans any classroom instruction on quote "gender identity and sexual orientation in grades K through three" kindergarten through third grade. That covers ages five through nine. In doing this, Florida has moved away from the experiments underway in many other places. In states like California, for example, the state's official policy declares that quote, "Children as early as age two are expressing a different gender identity. It is strongly suggested that teachers privately ask transgender or gender- nonconforming students at the beginning of the school year how they want to be addressed."

So that's lunacy, and what it does in effect is cut parents out of their children's childhood and hand parental powers to people who aren't even qualified to teach English or Math and they're certainly not qualified to counsel your child to change his or her sex and almost everybody understands that.

This is lunacy. The Florida bill stops it and that's why Americans overwhelmingly support Florida's new bill. So, what do you do with a bill that has overwhelming support in a democracy if you and your donors don't like it? Well, of course you have to lie about it and that's exactly what they're doing.

They are claiming that this new bill somehow prevents anyone from using the word "gay" in school. Watch:


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR:And I think about if I have a kid, if I'm going to, you know, would I be okay with them not wanting to be able to say the word "gay."

KRISTAL KNIGHT, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: And now this anti-gay bill or if you will, you know, you can't say the word "gay."

BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN ANCHOR: And a ban on the word "gay."

SHEVRIN JONES, FLORIDA STATE SENATOR: But he is (DeSantis) also trying to censor whether or not teachers can say the word "gay" in our classroom.

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN ANCHOR: Florida's governor is now facing criticism after the State House passed a law that won't let you say "gay."


CARLSON: Just a little tip to our viewers at home wondering how to lie more effectively. As you do, look straight ahead, adjust your coat, look down a little bit like that and say, "A new bill in the Florida Legislature." Once you establish that tone, it seems like you must be telling the truth. Of course, you've read the bill or you wouldn't be talking about it on TV like some kind of knowledgeable expert, would you?

Well, yeah, you would. You might be lying completely.

Nothing in the bill reflects your description of the bill, but because you have no shame, in fact, you're working for a political party and not your viewers, you'll say anything. So, they're telling you that no one is allowed to use the word "gay" in the State of Florida because of this law.

"In Oregon, we say 'gay'," said Governor Kate Brown, who announced she is horrified and outraged by this. Meanwhile, Oregon falls apart. Walk through downtown Portland recently and ask yourself, is using the word "gay" the most important problem in the state of Oregon right now? Probably not, but at the Oscars the other night, actress joined together to scream "gay" repeatedly to remind us that yes, it's the most important issue. Watch.


WANDA SYKES, ACTRESS: We are going to have a great night tonight and for you people in Florida, we are going to have a gay night. Gay, gay, gay, gay.

REGINA HALL, ACTRESS: Gay, gay, gay, gay.

AMY SCHUMER, ACTRESS: Gay, gay, gay, gay.



CARLSON: They are all such robots and then they cut to people in the crowd who are so proud of being gay, they hide it, which is the best part. Celebrating gay rights, but pretending not to be gay.

Right, love it.

And they're saying this to a country on the brink of war that is growing poorer by the day from inflation, but here are your culture leaders, who are so far up their own butts, they're leading chants about silly lifestyle liberalism that no actual person support. "Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay." Okay, feel empowered?

Meanwhile, back to the schools, which is the whole reason bills like this have to be passed. On MSNBC, one teacher talks about how he yearns to go into details about his home life with a captive audience of kindergartners.

Ron DeSantis, the bigot that he is, is standing in the way of this teacher's self-expression. Watch.


CORY BERNAERT, KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: We should be able to have discussions and that's what we're encouraged to do in kindergarten. That's what we do as educators. We build relationships with our kids and in order to build relationships, you talk about your home life. You talk about what you do on the weekends, that's building community.

It scares me to death that I am not going to be able to have these conversations with my children because they're going to ask me what I did on the weekend. I don't want to have to hide that my partner and I went paddle boarding this weekend.


CARLSON: All right, less about you and your partner paddle boarding, more about educating the kids. This is not some canvas for you to create your personal expression art. You are paid by the state to make people's kids competitive in an economy that is going to need more competitive Americans. So, why don't you stop talking about yourself and do your job?

Of course, that's the last thing they want to do. Some of the most powerful corporations in this country, through groups like the HRC have decided to push this propaganda as hard as they possibly can.

They don't care what you think because it is not about democracy, it is not about what parents want. Disney for example is a major donor to the HRC and has been pretty explicit about this point.

Quote: "Florida's HB 1557 also known as the Don't Say Gay Bill should never have passed and should never have been signed into law." Disney said in an official statement.

This is the company you also hand your kids over to -- woohoo, we are not creepy -- quote: "Our goal, as a company, is for this law to be repealed by the Legislature or struck down in the courts." So, let's just think about this for a minute. Here you have a law passed in a democratically elected state legislature, signed by a democratically elected governor, supported by the majority of Florida voters, but it must be struck down because the oligarchs at the mouse company don't like it.

Oh. So, shouldn't you get back to making kids movies propagandizing for China? Shouldn't you get back to wrecking the State of Florida with your pollutants, you environmental criminals? Yes, well, they've got other business and their main "goal as a company" is now to teach kindergartens in Florida that they can, in fact, change their gender just by wishing it so.

It makes you wonder if kids in Florida can consent to chemical castration with no parental involvement. It that can be true, what exactly can't they consent to once we set that standard? Disney didn't say, but maybe there's another agenda here. Nor did they explain their fixation on the sexuality of children, but it's worth pointing out that four Disney employees were just busted in a major human trafficking sting, including one employee who allegedly sent sexually explicit texts to a detective posing as a 14-year- old.

That bust occurred, as you may have guessed by now, in the State of Florida.

Ron DeSantis is the governor of the State of Florida. We're delighted to have him join us tonight. Governor, thanks so much for coming.

I have to say, you're one of the only politicians I've ever seen. So many Republican governors in red states really are some of the weakest people in the country have caved, you have not caved. You've really tried to explain what this bill is about. If you'll just do it quickly for us once again, what is this bill?

DESANTIS: Well, this bill is about providing protection so that they know they can send their young kids to school, without them being sexualized, without a school telling a young girl, for example, that she may really be a boy.

And if schools are trying to do things that impact the health and wellbeing of the kids and they are undertaking certain services, that parents have a right to know that and provide consent for it.

So, this is a real bill that empowers parents, it protects our kids, and for a company like Disney to say that this bill should have never passed. First of all, Tucker, they weren't saying anything when this was going through the House. They only started doing this because the mob, the woke mob came after them.

But put that aside, for them to say that them as a California-based company, are going to work to take those California values and overturn a law that was duly enacted, and as you said, supported by a strong majority of Floridians, they don't run this state. They will never run this state as long as I'm Governor.

CARLSON: Yes, they haven't improved Orlando I noticed, why don't they throw some money into downtown Orlando and help the people who live there. I have to ask you this since we are on the topic of Disney. Journalist, Chris Rufo, has really done a lot has just obtained a video of an all-hands meeting at Disney.

The meeting was in response to the legislation you signed in Florida. Here is Disney corporate President, Karey Burke. Watch this.


KAREY BURKE, DISNEY CORPORATE PRESIDENT: I'm here as a mother of two queer children actually, one transgender child and one pansexual child and also as a leader.

Many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories and yet, we don't have enough leads and narratives in which gay characters just get to be characters and not have to be about gay stories.


CARLSON: So I don't understand why an entertainment company that makes animated movies gets to control legislation in your state.

DESANTIS: And especially, Tucker, you've got to wonder like why is the hill to die on to have transgenderism injected into kindergarten classrooms or woke gender ideology injected into second grade classroom? Why is that the hill to die on? Meanwhile, if we had done a bill that prohibited talking about the abuse of Uyghurs in China, Disney would have supported that legislation because they don't want to say a word about that.

So it's just an odd manifestation of their corporate values that they actually do Disney cruises, Tucker, to the nation of Dominica, which criminalizes homosexuality, so they're fine doing that and lining their pockets. They're fine lining their pockets from the CCP and all the atrocities that go on there, but it is those kindergarteners in Florida that they really want to have transgenderism as part of their core curriculum in school.

CARLSON: And talking to kids about their genitals, like I thought that was -- I'm not a lawyer. I thought that would be a crime. Right? No? It should be?

DESANTIS: Tucker, I mean, I think about when I was in school, we just did schoolwork. You know, we did things like Math and Science and Reading. I don't even know how this would become fodder for a second grade classroom.

And so the fact that they're going to this lengths to try to torpedo legislation that I think 90 percent of parents probably view as just commonsense, it really makes you wonder, you know, about what's motivating this decision making.

CARLSON: It really does, and just to be clear, final question. I read the bill. It doesn't say anything about gay marriage, does it? Is it an anti- gay marriage bill?

DESANTIS: Tucker, Tucker, the word gay is not in the legislation.


DESANTIS: So they say it's banning a word that literally isn't even in the legislation. It's not even like they're misrepresenting the way the word is used, it is not even used in the bill. It is a fake narrative, it's a lie, but it's a lie because they have to lie because if they admitted what they were really for -- sexualizing kindergarteners and first graders -- they know that would not fly with the public.

CARLSON: Man, you've got a lot of juevos to do this, and I appreciate it and I hope all the other cowards sitting in Governor's Offices around the country watch this.

Ron DeSantis, thank you.

DESANTIS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So Adam Kinzinger, as we've told you many times is deeply upset about democracy, which the big orange man who last occupied the White House destroyed, very upset about that. What you may not have known is that not so long ago, he was begging Donald Trump for a job.

Really? Quite a story. Adam Kinzinger, we've got that update.

Also talking about Ukraine is now about proving your own virtue, you may have noticed, no offense to the people of Ukraine. It is about our reaction to the war in Ukraine, and we've got a whole segment coming up.


CARLSON: Well, you've probably seen Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois crying -- when you're that age and in Congress, if you're crying in public, there's something going on. Let's be completely honest, something deep inside that politics can't touch.

But Kinzinger explains away his crying fits as grief at the end of democracy -- democracy killed by the big orange man who was President before Joe Biden, Donald Trump. So with that in mind, it's interesting that not so long ago, Adam Kinzinger wanted to work for Donald Trump.

Philip Wegmann has looked into this, it's a pretty amazing story. He is of course, RealClearPolitics, White House reporter, and he joins us tonight. Philip, thanks so much for coming on.

So Adam Kinzinger wanted to work for Trump? I mean, that's not something I would have guessed.

PHILIP WEGMANN, WHITE HOUSE REPORTER, REALCLEARPOLITICS: So I think the context here is really helpful because while Representative Kinzinger has emerged as an anti-Trump figure of late, and certainly that has accelerated since he joined the January 6 Committee, a lot of this has occurred during the Biden era.

So for instance, recently, he says that his greatest regret is not voting to impeach Donald Trump in 2019. Well, that year, he was publicly auditioning to join the administration as Trump's Secretary of the Navy. And then in 2020, according to my sources in Trump world, the Congressman was actively lobbying behind the scenes to get a member of his family a gig in the White House press shop.

Now, that job didn't pan out, and Kinzinger's team tells me that the implication that that family member couldn't get that job on her own is misogynistic, is garbage, but I think that that context goes a long way to explaining the deep personal antipathy that Kinzinger and Trump world have for each other at this point.

CARLSON: So isn't that something that you would disclose? I mean -- and his views have changed -- you know, a lot of our views have changed, and I understand that, and I think it's legitimate, but shouldn't he say, you know, I did once ask him for a job, tried to get, you know, a close relative as you put it, a job, shouldn't he say that?

WEGMANN: Well, he was auditioning for the Air Force gig on Twitter, and he made no bones about that. I think what is interesting is now Kinzinger is in a lot of ways a politician without much of a constituency. You know, he's going to lose his district at the end of the year. Republicans see him as an outlier, and the Biden White House which I cover, I think that they are familiar with him only insofar as they've spent a lot of time rejecting his chief policy proposal of late, which is that no fly zone over Ukraine.

So I wish the guy the best, but I don't spend a lot of time covering the Congressman. And I think that the folks who are really listening to his critique at this point, you know, are the holdovers from resistance Twitter, and at least one household in Mar-a-Lago.

CARLSON: I hope he gets the help he needs. He wants to go to cable news, apparently. He is always welcome to audition on the show. We've invited him a million times. You want to see what it's like, spend an hour with us. I hope, he will accept.

Philip Wegmann, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

WEGMANN: Thank you, sir.

CARLSON: So since the invasion of Ukraine kicked off several weeks ago, public officials in this country have pledged allegiance to Ukraine. Okay, everyone feels sad for the Ukrainian people, they legitimately are suffering because of the Russian invasion, but the way they've been touting their love of Ukraine tells you a lot.

So the head of the country's largest teachers union, Randi Weingarten posed with this Ukrainian flag without realizing the flag is upside down. She stands for Ukraine, but doesn't know what the flag looks like.

Now, why are they doing this? Well, they want you to know they're willing to sacrifice for Ukraine, which is very far away. They could not find it on a map. But they don't actually have to do anything, and that's the beauty of loving people you'll never meet.

Alexander Vindman is pretty explicit about this every time he goes on television. Watch this.


ALEXANDER VINDMAN, FORMER DIRECTOR FOR EUROPEAN AFFAIRS FOR THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL: And we could do something to help bring it to an end before it escalates, and we're not doing that.

They need more in order to avoid catastrophic civilian casualties, and that's in the form of these jets, that's in the form of unmanned combat aerial vehicles.

We lost the momentum. There was an opportunity to do this, and it is because we're risk averse. We still think there's a chance that this goes back to business as usual. You know, we are in fact, in a Cold War, we're headed towards a Hot War.

I've tended to speak -- to kind of lean in and talk about what more we need to do from the provision of weapons standpoint, because I don't think we're doing nearly enough.


CARLSON: That's a little weird to see that. So Vindman is from Ukraine. The guy in the box next to him, Max Boot, is from Russia. They're both born in those countries, and yet they aren't over there fighting in their homelands, which is a little bit weird. I guess it's just easier to do. You're fighting from a cable news box, States side.

Eddie Scarry has been following all of this. He is a columnist at "The Federalist." He just published its own piece on virtue signaling over the war in Ukraine. He joins us tonight.

Eddie, thanks so much for coming on. Are we imagining this? Or a lot of people sort of expanding their moral profile at the expense of an actual country called Ukraine?

EDDIE SCARRY, COLUMNIST, "THE FEDERALIST": No, you're absolutely right. The left has completely trivialized this conflict, turned it into a complete joke all for the sake of getting clout on social media. And when I say the left, I do mean the media, celebrities, and corporations.

You look at "The New York Times," David Brooks, you look at "The Washington Post," Kathleen Parker. They are beside themselves emotionally about seeing Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in a t-shirt. They talk about this in terms of democracy and freedom and how it's our duty to protect freedom. And again, major corporations as well, places like Uber, they'd say, you open the app, you just want to get down the block to a party, they say donate to Ukraine, I think they're offering free rides to Kyiv at this point.

Places like another app, Market Fresh, you want to buy flowers, they stay round up and donate to Ukraine. But just as you said at the intro of this segment, it costs them nothing. They expect nothing, and that's the point of virtue signaling is that you get to feel good about yourself, you get to say how great you are because you care about this conflict. You care about the people, how noble you are, and yet it costs you nothing.

But it is going to cost somebody something because we're teetering on the edge of World War Three. And yes, it's not going to be the ones -- they're not going to be the ones -- the Vindman's, the Kathleen Parker's, the David Brooks' -- they're not going to have to give anything about this. It's going to be you, it's going to be your viewers, their children, their nieces, and nephews, they're going to be the ones they expect to be sacrificed.

CARLSON: You think one of these people say, wait a second, they told me to be mad about George Floyd's death and white supremacy, then they told me to be mad about anti-vaxxers, now, they are telling me to be mad about Putin. Like, if you're letting the oligarchs control your emotions, maybe you're not an independent person, maybe you're like a puppet. Does anyone think ever thinks that?

SCARRY: Well, that's right. I mean, issue after issue, virtue signaling is the way the left likes to operate right now. Same thing with the Black Lives Matter. Post a black square on Instagram and you're in good company. They're doing this now with something that we're teetering again, on the edge of World War Three with a nuclear power.

CARLSON: I mean, if you really think about it, it's just so fun, I'm going to die. I'm no longer mad about anti-vaxxers. I'm mad about whatever, in Eastern Europe. It's unbelievable.

Eddie Scarry, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

SCARRY: Thank you.

CARLSON: So a couple of weeks ago, we heard from the Under Secretary of State that there were deadly pathogens in labs in Ukraine that we were funding. So we asked like, "What is this?"

We just got brand new information on what it is and the Pentagon's role in it. And by the way, what was Hunter Biden's role in funding these biolabs? We have new details from all of those threads from this single story, which seems like a pretty big story, honestly. That's straight ahead.


CARLSON: So for months now, we've been reading mentions on the internet of U.S. funded biolabs in Ukraine and we have not taken the bait. We did not do a single segment on this. We didn't even really follow up on the story. It seemed way too unlikely. The last thing we want to do is repeat information that's incorrect or traffic in legitimate conspiracy theories, and those are real actually.

So we didn't do any story about that until the day that the Under Secretary of State, Toria Nuland, who is in charge of the war in Ukraine told a Senate Committee that actually there are U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine and what's in this biolabs is so dangerous, she is terrified it'll fall into Russian hands.

So that got us asking in public, "What?" Why is the U.S. government funding some kind of biological research in Ukraine? What is it for? We were immediately shouted down. "You can't ask that question." But we can because we're American citizens. It's our money. It's being done in our name, and so we would like to know.

The Biden administration, of course, didn't answer. We found out from a separate source, the obvious, which is some of these are bio weapons, of course. Now, we know more.

Over this weekend, the show obtained a number of documents from a former high ranking US official that show the U.S. government through the Pentagon did in fact fund research into deadly pathogens in Ukraine. According to one of the documents, sometime between 2007 and 2008, quite some time ago, the Pentagon approved the development of a quote "multi-pathogen mapping project" to among other things, quote, "take molecular fingerprinting of pathogens endemic to Ukraine and strain transfer."

So it turns out what we reported all along was correct. The Pentagon is in fact researching pathogens in Ukraine. We're still not exactly sure on why, the explanations they've given us are ridiculous. We don't know how long this has been going on, but we know it dates back at least 14 years.

Now, we reached out to the Pentagon to see why the DoD was researching pathogens, and if the research involved biological weapons, which we can tell you categorically it did. And they pointed us to a fact sheet that the Pentagon released almost three weeks ago that is filled with lies, and that lots of Pentagon reporters dutifully repeated as if it were true.

So the factsheet tells us that since 2005, the Pentagon has spent $200 million in something called the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine. Now, that program supposedly is designed to dismantle Soviet era bio weapons.

But wait a second, how long does it take to dismantle Soviet era bio weapons? And in fact, if those are the only deadly pathogens in the labs, why would we be worried that the Russians could get them because they would already have them. None of it made any sense at all.

We should tell you that in the Pentagon's response to us, they did not deny the existence of multi-pathogen mapping that was mentioned in the memo we retained nor did they refute the memos existence. We also got a set of documents from the Ukrainian government. That group of documents lists 30 biolabs in Ukraine that got funding from the U.S. Pentagon.

According to these Ukrainian documents, these facilities use the funding for research and the collection storing of specimens. What's interesting is the Pentagon did not deny that it funded any of these facilities. In fact, the Pentagon's own factsheet says as many as 46 Ukrainian labs got funding from the United States. Forty-six labs? Really?

We also learned a few days ago that the U.S. government was not only doing this, but other people were funding it as well, which is to say the research of some kind into deadly pathogens in Ukrainian labs. So we learned thanks to reporting from the "National Pulse" several days ago, that Hunter Biden's personal investment firm got money to researchers who are working on quote, "isolating deadly pathogens" in Ukraine.

Now, "The Daily Mail" is reporting that e-mails in Hunter Biden's laptop confirm that that story is true. So again, we're not exactly sure what this means or where it goes. But ask yourself, in 2014-2015, did you realize that Joe Biden's son was helping fund some sort of research into deadly pathogens in Ukraine? Which is not exactly a hotbed of biomedical research. Why Ukraine? Why not Germany? Why not Japan? Why not a first world country?

There is clearly something going on here, and we have the right to know. Sorry, we do.

Josh Boswell broke the story for "The Daily Mail" and we're happy to have him join us tonight.

Josh, thanks so much for coming on. I'm sure you've been denounced for writing this news story. So thank you for doing it anyway. What did you learn?

JOSH BOSWELL, SENIOR REPORTER, "THE DAILY MAIL": Well, first off, I want to make clear that the Russian government is clearly pushing a propaganda line to try and justify their war in Ukraine. Right? They're saying that the American government was working on bio weapons in Ukraine.

I do not have evidence of that specifically, but I do have a lot of other very interesting evidence, which we should be asking a lot of questions about.

So what do we know right now? Well, we know as you said that the U.S. was funding these biolabs in Ukraine that they were looking at deadly pathogens. We know that Hunter Biden was helping raise money for funding, one of the companies involved in that called Metabiota.

And we also know from my reporting, e-mails from Hunter Biden's laptop, that not only was he involved in funding that company, but he was also involved in getting that company into Ukraine, getting it deals that it needed to be done, to do the work he was trying to do.

So for example, there are meetings that he had with executives from Metabiota, and it is really interesting the way that the executives speak in those e-mails. They say that they wanted to help assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia, which I found kind of odd for a company that is supposed to just be monitoring disease data, pandemic data. Why are they trying to also assert Ukraine's independence?

And there's also a quote-unquote "science project" that Hunter and his business partners pitched to the Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, allegedly a corrupt firm, and that he was working with at the time, and this science project involves getting Metabiota some kind of deal in Ukraine and maybe using Burisma's high level government contacts in Ukraine to get that done.

We also know that the funding that Metabiota received totaled $18.4 million from the Department of Defense, a small portion of that, $307,000.00 goes to quote, "Ukraine research projects," according to DoD records and government funding records.

So there's a lot of questions here. Why was Hunter involved in this? Especially at a time, 2014, when his father Joe Biden, the Vice President then was in charge of foreign policy towards Ukraine for the U.S. It's surely at least a conflict of interest there.

CARLSON: Well, it's so unbelievably corrupt. I could care less what the government says of Russia, about anything. I don't believe the government of Russia, I care about the government of the United States, which I help pay for.

So these are fair questions, I'm grateful that you unearthed them, and I hope you'll keep going, Josh Boswell of "Daily Mail." Thank you.

BOSWELL: Thank you.

CARLSON: So even if you've got kind of a live and let live attitude about culture, which we do, kind of hard to ignore the fact that the people in charge of our culture are way up in your face with actual filth that tries to subvert your family and your values, they just are. That's true. We'll stop lying about it.

Case in point, a rapper called Cardi B is about to make an appearance on a Nickelodeon's kids show.

Candace Owens on that, straight ahead.


CARLSON: So we led the show tonight with the so-called Don't Say Gay Bill in Florida that the media are all upset about that doesn't actually say anything about gays, but whatever. Apparently Joy Reid over on MSNBC is particularly outraged that anyone would be attacking gay people, in this case, the dastardly Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, and that got us thinking: Wait a second. This is the same Joy Reid who attacked gay people repeatedly on her blog, and then when caught told us that blog had been hacked, and they called the F.B.I. to find out who hacked the blog.

And then we thought about it, we realized, wait, whatever happened to that story? Did we ever get to the bottom of the hacking of Joy Reid's anti-gay blog? And now that we think about it, now that we are connecting some dots because it's what we do, could it have been Vladimir Putin who hacked Joy Reid's blog?

If there was ever a moment in American history to reopen this investigation on National Security grounds, that moment is now. Who hacked Joy Reid's blog and put those anti-gay words on it?

We implore the Justice Department to find out now and let us know, so we can do a segment on it tomorrow, and every day for the next month or two.

So, you're a fuddy-duddy if you note that American culture is becoming like not really culture anymore. It's like a lot of growling and sexless talking about sex, and if you think that's an overstatement, check out this song from someone calling herself, Cardi B. Watch.


CARLSON: So you want something like that, and probably your first thought was: Man, I want my kids, my little kids to get a lot more of Cardi B. Like how can they experience Cardi B and the Cardi B lifestyle because obviously that's not bad for them or anything? They're not going to wind up in rehab or as hookers.

Well, Nickelodeon has an answer for you. They're going to put her on TV. Cardi B is about to entertain millions of children, probably when you're not home. She'll be a guest on the upcoming episode. Nickelodeon's "Baby Sharks Big Show" next month.

So Candace Owens isn't uptight or anything, but she is a mom. She is the founder of the charity, Blexit, so we thought we'd ask her. What do you think of this of this, Candace Owens? Great to see you tonight.

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think for the first time, I'm actually going to defend Cardi B here because this is not her fault.

CARLSON: Oh, I agree.

OWENS: It is not Cardi B's fault that she gets a phone call from Nickelodeon executives asking her to do this. It's not Cardi B's fault that she gets a phone call from then, presidential candidate, Joe Biden asking her to come speak about issues in America.

You know, Cardi B doesn't possess the intelligence that think through these things and wonder why are these executives and these presidential administrations calling me and asking me to get involved? Right? Her thoughts are probably much more short circuited, which is that sounds pretty cool. Okay. Okay. I'm going to do that. That sounds awesome. Right?

And so Cardi B goes on these shows, but these executives know exactly what they're doing. Right? They're well-trained. They understand what they're doing, and they're trying to further corrode culture.

You know, for them having Cardi -- for Cardi B, this is okay, I have a daughter, an innocent beautiful daughter, and I get to now be on a show that she likes to watch. But for these executives, they understand they're trying to present a gateway to children, right? Of course, you're watching a show. You look up the actors, the actresses, and the voices. We all do this when we were kids, and you start following these people, right?

Usually the people that followed Miley Cyrus all throughout her career, these people will now be looking up and saying as soon as they get on Instagram, oh, who was that person on "Sharknado"? I'm 10 years old now and I have Instagram and because this is the new world we live in, and it's Cardi B.

And what is she rapping about? Cardi B has been consistent. She's rapping about drugs. She's rapping about sex.

This is a woman who got on TV and spoke outwardly about how she used to drug and rob men. You can go look this up, you can watch it on YouTube, and there was zero remorse. She is not pretending to change. She is not pretending that she wants to be something different.

I believe in redemption, Tucker. If Cardi B woke up one day and said: You know what, I'm a Christian. I renounce my previous ways. I'd say have her on Nickelodeon.

But none of that is happening. This is an attack on our culture, not from Cardi B, from the executives at Nickelodeon and all the corporates in America.

CARLSON: Thank you for aiming the fire where it belongs. I appreciate it. Candace Owens, great to see you.

We'll be right back.


CARLSON: As we told you, it occurred to us in the last segment: Whatever happened that investigation, an F.B.I. investigation in to Joy Reid's anti- gay blog? The original don't say gay blog.

We're going to follow up on that soon. So that is what we will be doing tonight.

We hope you have the happiest night with the ones you love. We will see you tomorrow.

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