Tucker: Biden admin increasing hostility to crypto is hurting investors

This is a rush transcript of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on February 8, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


We've got news for you this evening, Joe Biden, the President has announced another piece of his highly promoted equity agenda. That's the government- wide effort to improve the lives of African-Americans.

You may recall that on his first day in office more than a year ago, the new President explained that equity will require determination and creativity, and this week, he proved that's true.

Joe Biden's latest idea is to pay Black people to smoke more crack. Going forward, the administration will send at least $30 million in tax money to nonprofits and local governments so they can purchase quote, "safe smoking kits and supplies." According to H.H.S., these kits will contain Joe Biden approved pipes that will help beneficiaries of the equity agenda to smoke crack cocaine as well as crystal meth. Some say it's about time.

Soros-aligned NGOs have long complained that marginalized groups in this country don't have adequate access to illegal narcotics or the tools to use them. With this new program, Joe Biden will finally close the crack gap.

For too long in America, quality crack pipes are in the domain of rich white men like so much else. Here's the President's son, for example, smoking crack in bed at the Four Seasons. .You'll notice the beautifully designed custom crack pipe. Its cooling bowl nestled in the high thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.

When Hunter Biden smokes crack, he does it in style. But not everyone in this country is so fortunate. Try to toast some rock in West Baltimore some time, you may have to make the pipe yourself from tin foil or a broken car antenna. Our inner cities are pipe deserts.

Talk about the new Jim Crow. Bull Connor would be proud. Bull Connor didn't think Black people deserved new crack pipes. Joe Biden is going to change that.

Joe Biden understands how essential narcotics are to the future of his party. If Democratic voters stopped smoking crack, they might start thinking for themselves and become Candace Owens or something -- can't have that.

So it is new crack pipes for everyone. Unfortunately, this change comes too late for one Democratic Party icon. Thirty years ago, crack addiction was still considered embarrassing, especially for elected officials. In some places, it was illegal.

Here was the mayor of Washington, D.C. fervently pursuing the equity agenda before it even had a name. Back then, we just called it smoking crack.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was a setup.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Okay, I understand. Pay attention.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was a setup. [Bleep] it. It was a [bleep] setup.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Listen to your rights.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: [Bleep]. I shouldn't have come up here. I got [bleep] up here with this [bleep] set me up like this.

Set me up, ain't that a [bleep].


CARLSON: Marion Berry, ladies and gentlemen, a civil rights pioneer. He was fighting racism with that crack pipe, smoking away the vestiges of White supremacy and the colonialist patriarchal norms. If only we had recognized Barry's heroism at the time, a prophet is never honored in his own hotel room.

To be fair, Joe Biden didn't honor Marion Barry either. Here is Joe Biden a year after the mayor's drug bust.


JOE BIDEN (D), THEN SENATOR OF THE UNITED STATES: If you have a piece of crack cocaine no bigger than this quarter that I'm holding in my hand, one quarter of $1.00, we passed the law through the leadership of Senator Thurman and myself and others, a law that says if you're caught with that, you go to jail for five years. You get no probation. You get nothing other than five years in jail.

A Judge doesn't have a choice.


CARLSON: Make a straw, I'm going to throw you in jail, boy. That was Joe Biden then. Now, Joe Biden is giving out free crack pipes to Black people. So maybe the lesson here is that real growth is possible. Sometimes wisdom really does come with age.

Now, you may be wondering as you watch all of this, hold on a second. Is the real drug crisis in this country really that crackheads don't have enough crack pipes? I seem to remember reading somewhere that more than 100,000 Americans died last year from opioid ODs. What are we doing about that?

Well, good question, and the answer is nothing. We're not doing anything about that. Those 100,000 Americans weren't from officially marginalized groups. Their deaths have nothing to do with the equity agenda. In fact, their deaths may have helped the equity agenda by changing the demographics of the country in a way that benefits the Democratic Party.

So as far as the Biden administration is concerned, it's not a bad trend. Sure, a lot of people died from opioids in Joe Biden's first year, in fact, the total body count was the equivalent of a significant American city, the entire population, every man woman and child than say South Bend or Roanoke, Virginia.

On the other hand, these are exactly the kind of people the administration hates anyway, so with equity in mind, the White House plans to continue allowing as much fentanyl as possible to come into this country through Mexico.

Here is FOX's Bill Melugin reporting.


BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): As illegal immigrants and drugs continue to spill across the border.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is throwing bags.


MELUGIN (voice over): In fiscal year 2021, C.B.P. seized 11,201 pounds of fentanyl nationwide. That's enough to kill more than two billion people. The seizures are significantly up from seizures in fiscal years 2020 and 2019.

The largest fentanyl bust in 2021 came in August in Otay Mesa near San Diego. That's where C.B.P. recovered 127 pounds of the deadly opioid, which was being smuggled in a trailer driven by a Mexican national. It had a street value of $13 million.


CARLSON: You don't hear much about fentanyl use in the national news. So, to give you a sense of just how quickly it is growing, the D.E.A.'s national drug assessment didn't even mention fentanyl, not a single time in 2013. Customs and Border Protection seized just two pounds of fentanyl over the entire year.

Fast forward to last year: Customs and Border Patrol seized more than 11,000 pounds of fentanyl. That means the amount of fentanyl flowing into the U.S. has increased by 560,000 percent in less than a decade.

What is Joe Biden doing about this? Well, he is encouraging more fentanyl use, of course. Yesterday, the Justice Department announced that it may allow government sanctioned safe spaces to open around the country for people to inject opioids, and this too is part of the equity agenda.

Intravenous drug users are by definition a historically marginalized group. Susan Rice is thinking hard about how to help them stay addicted. It's a matter of fairness.

Let's say it's four in the afternoon and you want to shoot up fentanyl, but you can't find a syringe. If you're rich and white, it is an easy fix. You just call one of your housekeepers from the intercom in the pool house and you send her to CVS. You've got servants to help.

But what if you're a junkie of color living on the sidewalk in San Francisco? How are you going to shoot up when you feel like it? You need Joe Biden's help. Done. Help is on the way.

But what does that help look like in practice? Michael Shellenberger is one of the very few journalists who has bothered to find out. Shellenberger recently spoke to a man who is living on the street in San Francisco and ask the obvious question, how do you pay for your drug addiction? Watch.




SHELLENBERGER: How long have you been on the street?


SHELLENBERGER: Drug of choice?


SHELLENBERGER: What percentage of people are still using heroin versus fentanyl?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, man, five percent still use heroin.

SHELLENBERGER: What about meth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meth is just -- given mostly, you've got to do something to counteract the downer, so people either do meth or crack.

SHELLENBERGER: What does it cost per day?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Between 40 and 80 bucks?



SHELLENBERGER: What percentage of people on the street you say are from San Francisco originally?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From San Francisco originally, maybe -- maybe 10, probably more like six or seven percent.

SHELLENBERGER: How much does it cost say for your to meet your habit?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Looking at 60 bucks today.

SHELLENBERGER: Has the price come down or gone up?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's been like a race to the bottom in terms of pricing to where a gram used to -- even as little as two years ago, would have been $200.00. Now it's down to 15 or 20.

SHELLENBERGER: How do you make your money?


SHELLENBERGER: Like what kind of stuff?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Boosting and getting on a lot of coins.

SHELLENBERGER: How do you boost?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You go in a store put stuff in your bag and get out?


CARLSON: You learn a number of things from watching that clip, things you never hear anybody say. First, the drug crisis is a crisis. It destroys people's lives, your fellow Americans lives. It's one of the worst things ever to happen in this country that's being completely ignored by the people running the country.

The second thing you learn is that it is happening because drugs are cheaper than ever. In fact, fentanyl may be the only product that Joe Biden has been cheaper since becoming President, a gallon of gasoline, a pound of beef are much more expensive. Fentanyl is cheaper.

And then you learn that homelessness is caused by drug addiction, and so is street crime. So, if you're wondering why our cities are falling apart, it's pretty simple -- drugs. Drugs are the problem.

So what does Joe Biden decided to bring us more of? Drugs. It makes you wonder.

Candace Owens is the host of "Candace." We're always delighted to have her on our show. She joins us now. Candace, thanks so much for coming on.

So I mean, I guess they can tell you they love you, but if they're encouraging you to smoke more crack, maybe they're lying.

CANDACE OWENS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, I think it's pretty obvious that the Biden administration loves Black America and loves America and cares about the health and wellbeing, all you have to do to be healthy in Joe Biden's America is stay-at-home, lock your doors, avoid sunlight, mask your children, when you step outside, let it only be to get five vaccines, and maybe do a smash-and-grab crime and then on your way back home, grab a government sponsored crack pipe.

I don't know why people think that Joe Biden doesn't care about the lives of the average American and Black Americans. It is so clear by the way he is running things that he actually cares.

You know it's poignantly ridiculous this is going on and it is sad to hear him explain how easy it is to get drugs, because we all know this is going on and they are pretending that it's not. They are actually mocking us and pretending that we're being dramatic in discussing how horrible the lives have gotten for the average Americans, but especially those living in inner cities, as you touched on a couple of weeks ago.

And Jen Psaki, saying, oh, it's not happening. It's just a FOX News conspiracy theory. Anybody that's telling you that we don't care about your health, they're conspiracy theorists. In fact, we're going to fact check them and deplatform them.

The bigger thing here is that Joe Biden is not the mastermind of this plan. Joe Biden is not even a mind in this plan. He has no idea what's going on, somebody points a direction and he goes, right?

And so you have to take a look at who is actually sponsoring this. And of course, some George Soros NGOs that are saying this is what we need, and this is something that needs to be said. Every time you look at what is happening in the Black community, if you look at who is sponsoring it, the name George Soros keeps coming up.

I think it's clear that in America today, the most racist and effective man at being racist in America is George Soros bar none. He has the District Attorneys, he's got them under lock and key, telling them to release criminals in the Black community. He's got Black Lives Matter burning down his money behind Black Lives Matter in those riots.

He has got politicians on his arm telling them to defund the police, getting them behind these initiatives. Who is this harming at the end of the day? Black America, but nobody has the courage to call this out.

The Biden administration is just -- they are just puppets, right? They do what they're told. Why does this person have this much power to go after inner cities and the communities and black Americans are suffering and nothing is being done? No one is calling this out.

CARLSON: It's so transparently hateful. I mean, you're a mother. If you had a child who is struggling with drug abuse, and a lot of Americans face this, it's really sad and tough, would you give the kid needles and a crack pipe and say: Look, if you're going to do it, do it safely in your bedroom? I mean, would you -- you'd have to hate your kids to do something like that.

OWENS: Absolutely not. Absolutely. Of course, you hate your kids. And that's what it really comes down to is that you're seeing this system over and over and over again. They like the fact that Black Americans are at the bottom of society. They like the fact that Black Americans are uninformed. They like the fact that they have drug dealers, and you have these people that are basically government dependents for the rest of their lives.

And unfortunately, now we're talking about now these crises, it's extending amongst the racist, right? It's not even just black America anymore. The person that you just showed is a White American. They are all drug addicts, they are all dependent on the government and the government is happy to give them whatever they want, so long as they stay at the bottom of society, needing government, and that is what this administration is all about, removing power from the individual and transferring it to the government.

CARLSON: Right. If you can't think clearly, and it is not just drug addiction, it is drug use. I mean, if your head is muddled, you're not independent, you're not really free. Free people can think clearly and anybody who wants you to think less clearly is trying to enslave you, obviously. It's pretty simple.

OWENS: Absolutely.

CARLSON: I appreciate you coming on, always. Candace Owens, thank you.

OWENS: Thank you.

CARLSON: So it looks like corona is kind of winding down at this point, but not everybody has gotten the memo. A new study just out recommends putting pantyhose on your face not to rob a liquor store, though that works too, but to protect yourself from corona. That's next.


CARLSON: So there is this famous scene in the novel "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, where the pigs takeover and all of a sudden, the principles painted on the side of the barn get crossed out and new ones get painted over them and everyone has to pretend nothing has changed.

Something like that is happening at CNN. Jeff Zucker got canned the other day for reasons we don't fully understand even now, but there are new people running the place whoever they are, and all of a sudden, the scientifically informed views of CNN's in-house doctor, the lady who once ran Planned Parenthood seem to have changed completely.

So here she is explaining on Monday that it's time to end COVID restrictions.


DR. LEANA WEN, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: There was a and is a time and place for pandemic restrictions, but when they were put in, it was always with the understanding that they would be removed as soon as we can.

And in this case, circumstances have changed; case counts are declining. Also, the science has changed.


CARLSON: Planned Parenthood is like super creepy. Imagine taking medical advice from her. Anyway, she is telling us the science has changed. Really? How did it change? No explanation. But effective immediately, according to CNN's doctor, it no longer makes sense to force children to wear masks. News Alert.


WEN: If our ICUs and hospitals in that particular region are not overwhelmed, if they're not overcapacity, we can set a number, for example 75 percent or 80 percent full, then we should be able to relax all restrictions and I actually believe that we should be starting to with the first restriction removed, should actually be the restriction on children.

There actually is a harm that we should be discussing of children continuing to mask.


CARLSON: Wait, what? It's not good for kids to wear masks in school? That's kind of weird. All of a sudden, at the very same time, not just in coordination or anything, just noticing a trend, at exactly the moment that CNN's editorial line on corona changes, so does the Democratic Party. All of a sudden, they are suggesting, well actually maybe natural immunity is a thing, maybe it's a thing, maybe the tens of millions of us who've been infected with corona and recovered may have antibodies that are meaningful.

And then at the very same moment, Democratic governors in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware, so the most extreme, on the question of corona have announced an end to mask mandates.

What the hell is going on? Nobody told the White House by the way. The White House hasn't budged on masking two-year-olds. But something is happening here? We don't know, so we ask Brit Hume to weigh in. He is of course, FOX's senior political analyst and a very wise man. He joins us now.

Brit, when they all change the party line in one day, something is up.

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Yes, it's not the science that has changed, it is the politics.


HUME: And the political winds against masking young children are now blowing so strongly. I think a lot of these Democratic politicians can see that what is happening and they went out from under these mask mandates. Parents are up in arms about them, and understandably so.

Look, the trouble with this whole issue has been that the science that backs up masks for everybody has never been very strong. There have been only a couple of studies and they were basically inconclusive, at best, but there really is no science at all of any legitimacy that says that it's a good idea and necessary for children, who are the least vulnerable population in the country to wear masks.


HUME: And yet it is going on all this time. It was a refusal to recognize the harms that were being done to children, we kept hearing bland assurances that kids are adaptable and adjustable and everything's going to be fine. And now, of course, people are seeing that that is not working out that way, that there are serious problems. So, the mask mandates are now on the way out.

CARLSON: You sort of wonder, though, I mean, you've had an entire generation of American children who are emotionally stunted, who are having trouble reading or even communicating with other people.

HUME: Yes, they have.

CARLSON: It's really hurt them a lot. Democrats did that. There is kind of no question about it. Can they really run away from it?

HUME: I don't see how and you know, the problem, of course, is that what happened -- what the Democrats did was that they decided that the only experts and the only expert advice that matters was that coming from the epidemiologists.


HUME: Because the epidemiologist basically have one job, to fight the disease.


HUME: But the side effects, the collateral damage, but that's not their responsibility. They're not -- epidemiologists aren't responsible for the U.S. economy, they are not responsible for children's education, children's mental health. They are not responsible for cancer screenings that got missed, because people couldn't go out and all the rest of it.

So the mistake that was made was making them the only advice that was really listened to for a long time. And there is a poll out now about whether to move on or not, majorities -- huge majorities of independents, huge majority Republicans, totaling some -- adding up to something like 70 percent of the population thinks we should -- only a minority of Democrats think that -- so you see where the party has been on this. They've been the alarmists all along.

CARLSON: So the people who drive alone in their vehicles with the windows up and a mask on, clearly a sign of mental illness, I think it is. How were they going to respond when they don't have to wear the mask anymore?

HUME: Well, that would be -- my guess is that in the fullness of time, they'll take them off? But you know, I mean, if I had money invested in a mask company, I wouldn't sell the stock yet. I think they're going to be willing to wait, at least on some people.

CARLSON: I think that's totally right. Brit Hume, thank you so much.

HUME: Good.

CARLSON: So how effective are the cloth masks that Joe Biden is forcing children to wear? Well, according to a new study from Cambridge University, they are not very useful by themselves. But women's pantyhose on top of facemask now. Now, we're getting somewhere.

Vince Coglianese -- I love these stories -- Vince Coglianese is a D.C. radio host, one of most popular in that city. He joins us now, safely protected from coronavirus to assess the effectiveness of pantyhose. Now, Vince, that's either a very ugly pair of pantyhose or it's a shopping bag.

VINCE COGLIANESE, RADIO SHOW HOST: Well, I had to make do. My wife wouldn't let me use the pantyhose. So I improvised, and, you know, you can't be too safe, Tucker. I mean --

CARLSON: No, you really can't.

COGLIANESE: It's really rough out there. Now, once second, let me take this other one off. All right, I'm ready to go. Hey, you know, it's crazy out there.

CARLSON: You're winded, I noticed.

COGLIANESE: It's is so crazy. So crazy that that they're asking us to wear pantyhose over our heads now just to see how far they can take the humiliation in the waning hours of the pandemic. They figured, okay, let's see what we can get away with?

If you, at this point, if you put pantyhose over your head at this stage of the pandemic that is a sucker alert. I mean, this is like that not only do you have to triple mask, you have to put a dunce cap on that it's a way to see whether or not you're a complete moron.

And I think this is definitely a test, so you have to pass it. That's the key.

CARLSON: Well, I mean, I do think there may be a connection to the equity agenda here. I mean, anyone who grew up in 70s and 80s remembers that pantyhose over the face that was the favored uniform of liquor store robbers and so, you wonder if an administration that has been promoting violent crime may sort of feel like it is part of the equity agenda to get the rest of us to dress like we're committing armed robberies.

COGLIANESE: Yes, yes, that's right. Exactly. All of a sudden, like there's a lot of states that actually have laws on the books that say it's illegal to wear a mask, we've got anti-masking laws.


COGLIANESE: Because like, because it usually coincides with crime. But now we've like completely normalized it. And actually, during the course of the pandemic, how many crimes did you see with people -- where people didn't need to go out and find some sort of innovative mask, they just wore the surgical mask that was suggested to them by Dr. Fauci.

By the way, I have one other theory on this. Maybe the pantyhose thing is a way to justify Dr. Fauci's extensive pantyhose collection. I mean, maybe this is just a lie that's grown out of control, like his wife walked in and saw him rifling through the pantyhose. And she said: What are you doing in the pantyhose? And he looked up, and he said, "It makes a good mask."

CARLSON: See, I would knock down that suggestion, as you know, out of bounds except I have determined a lot of our public policy is actually a fetish in disguise. Because there's no other explanation for it.

So you live in Washington, you report from Washington. You have this popular radio show in Washington, that's a city with a lot of people who drive alone with masks on, and we just asked Brit Hume this question, how do you think those people will respond when masking suddenly becomes as it inevitably will, non-mandatory?

COGLIANESE: With neurotic panic, I think, because they've been so conditioned to freak out about every element of this. I mean, how many surveys do you need to see where you find out that Republicans, by and large, have kind of an accurate sense of the risks associated with COVID, whereas Democrats overstate the risks by like, 10,000 percent? And that's because of our leaders. They've so misled so many people and, and boy, you hear all these conversations about misinformation and disinformation.

Nobody has propagated more of that than the United States government and the obedient media outlets who extend that message to the people. And so as a result, what you're going to have is kind of like the elders of the Democratic Party who are beginning to shift right now to try and liberate people from their draconian policies in a midterm year.


COGLIANESE: And meanwhile, kind of the middle managers like the guys who aren't really shot callers, they're just sort of the henchmen of the party. They're going to be -- they're going to freak out about this. They are the type of people who really studies at this stage in the pandemic saying you have to put pantyhose on your head, because they haven't gotten -- they haven't really been read up on how the changes are coming in just in time for the election.

CARLSON: No, there would be a lot of hysterical NPR listeners, the last Japanese soldier in the Pacific coming in since the war ended. It's sad. Vince Coglianese, great to see you tonight. Thank you.

COGLIANESE: Nice to see you, Tucker.

CARLSON: So it's been pretty clear for more than a year now that the events of January 6 have been harnessed by the Democratic Party to give the new administration stunning new policing surveillance power.

We have details tonight on how the Capitol Police are spying on Members of Congress. One member of Congress says Capitol Police broke into his office and took pictures. He joins us next.


CARLSON: The Capitol Police exists for a single reason: To protect the Capitol, which is the home of our legislature, which is the heart of our democracy, our elected Members of Congress.

But since January 6th, the Capitol Hill Police force has been subverted by Nancy Pelosi who oversees it and Joe Biden, the new President to become a kind of Secret Police Force that acts on behalf of the Democratic Party. Think we're overstating that? We're not.

Members of the Capitol Hill Police have been surveilling elected Members of Congress, their staff and visitors to their offices. Republican Congressman Troy Nehls of Texas said the Capitol Hill Police officers entered his congressional office last year without his knowledge and then photographed confidential materials within the office.

Now, if you haven't worked on Capitol Hill or around it, it's hard to overstate how completely out of bounds that is. In any other administration under any other Speaker, that would be considered a complete outrage; now, it's just par for the course.

Plainclothes Capitol Police officers from the Department's quote, "Intelligence Division," subsequently questioned one of the Congressman's aides about what was on a whiteboard within his office.

On Twitter, the congressman wrote, quote: "So why is the Capitol Police leadership maliciously investigating me in an attempt to destroy me and my character?"

Congressman Troy Nehls joins us now.

Congressman, thanks so much for coming on. It's hard to overstate how shocking this story is. These are the people who are paid to protect you and they are spying on you, an elected Member of Congress speaking of an attack on our democracy. Tell us why you think this happened? Why were they in your office?

REP. TROY NEHLS (R-TX): Well, I think -- well, first of all, thank you for having me and I think it's very clear. You know, Leader McCarthy selected me to be one of the five to be on the Select Committee looking into January 6th, and I've been a very vocal critic of January 6, specifically, the Capitol Police, the leadership of the Capitol Police, the Intelligence section, and been very vocal about it.

I mean, all the Intelligence was there, it was glaring to them and it was in their face that we knew the Capitol was the target for January 6th. We knew that there were maps that were scattered throughout the whole city about the tunnels on January 6, so all the intelligence was there. They knew the extremist groups were going to be there, and they did nothing with it.

So I've exposed this and I've been very vocal about it. I've been vocal to even on your program a few months back about the death of Ashli Babbitt and questioning why Lieutenant Byrd's investigation did not go to a grand jury. So, this really doesn't surprise me quite honestly. I'm being targeted right now and I believe that Nancy Pelosi is weaponizing the U.S. Capitol Police to investigate me, to try to silence me, intimidate me, and quite honestly, to destroy me.

CARLSON: This is totally Third World and crazy, and it's hard to believe it's happening in the capital city. By the way, I should note, their claim is they were trying to protect you. But of course, they never told you about it if there was a threat, they should of course alert you, you're the Member of Congress. Why don't you shut these people down? How can you have Nancy Pelosi's secret police force in your office, and no one shuts them down?

NEHLS: Well, the claim is that they've discovered one of my office doors wide open on a Saturday afternoon. The officer entered my office and said, you know to check to see if anybody was there that shouldn't be there and saw suspicious writings on my whiteboard whereas where I draft my legislative proposals.

A couple of days later, I've got these secret agents -- secret agents from the Capitol Police knocking on my office door, questioning my staff, one of my staffers, as to the language on that board. Why was there body armor written on your board interrogating this staffer asking him questions related to a handwritten map of the Rayburn Office Building, which is the office building for Members of Congress and the X on it.

I mean absolutely silly, absolutely ludicrous. Why were the Capitol Police inside my office investigating me and I was under criminal investigation? The Chief of Police, Manger, he is downplaying this. But I'm telling you, they're coming after anyone that has a dissenting point of view. Anybody that doesn't agree with them. It happened to me, sir, I believe the N.S.A. had happened to you looking at your e-mails, text messages.

Obama used the F.B.I. to go after Donald Trump. Russia collusion, and we know how that turned out. So they're weaponizing these Federal law enforcement agencies and Intelligence agencies.

CARLSON: It is making my heart beat faster. We can't put up -- this is the red line that you can't tolerate in a free society. You cannot use Federal law enforcement agencies to go after your political enemies. Period. It is what they do in Africa. We cannot allow that here, obviously.

I hope you get every one of these cretins fired. I mean it, too.

NEHLS: Well, the Office of Inspector General was in my office last week, he has agreed to do a study and an investigation, an independent investigation, and I feel good about that. We're going to get the bottom of it.

CARLSON: I hope you will. I hope you will. Thank you for joining us tonight.

NEHLS: Thank you, God bless.

CARLSON: God bless. So here's why this is a big deal.

Congress is one of three independent branches in the Federal government. That means under our Constitution, which by the way, still exists, Congress does not report to the other two branches. Congress has specific legal protections to assure their independence.

Congress is the group of legislators that you will elect directly. Again, that's the heart of the democracy.

So by law, the Department of Justice run by the President cannot issue a search warrant to rummage through a representative's office or mail. Period. That's what separation of powers mean.

You don't have to go to Law School to understand that, but the Biden administration is flagrantly ignoring this and no one is doing anything about it. They're doing it because they see the Constitution as an obstacle.

You heard the President say that tonight. No amendment is absolute. Really? Thanks for the lecture on the Constitution, Mr. Genius.

Here's the latest example. And it's pretty shocking, just like the last one we told you about. Today, Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas revealed that two letters that were sent to his office instead were opened by the Justice Department. You can see the letters on your screen right now and we know they went to the D.O.J. because they have D.O.J. stamps on them.

They are intercepting his mail? Yes. Here is Gohmert's statement.

"Even if it were a mistake to deliver Congress's mails to the D.O.J., the D.O.J. has an obligation to immediately notify Congress and forward the mail without opening it. It is gravely concerning since congressional mail is constitutionally protected under the Speech and Debate Clause of the Constitution. It could be routed intentionally or not through the highly partisan D.O.J. This is felonious behavior." It certainly is.

By the way, these agencies mess with all kinds of unelected Americans, the rest of us, there's nothing we can do about it. But you'd hope if they mess with elected officials, Members of Congress, they would be severely punished, and we fervently hope they will be.

We have reached out by the way to the D.O.J., the Department of Justice for comment, they're not going to comment because they don't have to.

So Bitcoin is a massive threat. All crypto is a massive threat to the hegemony of the Federal government can't tell you what to do if they don't control the currency. That's the truth. So the Biden administration is preparing to crack down on Bitcoin. They say it's threatening America's National Security. We've got details on their plans ahead.


CARLSON: So the trucker convoy in Canada is pretty cool. People getting together to promote human rights, who's against that? But there's something about working class people gathering in large groups that scares the hell out of the over class and in Canada, they're genuinely afraid and their fear is making them crazy. How crazy? Well, here's our favorite headline maybe ever. It comes from "The Globe and Mail" which is some kind of Canadian news outlet and here's the headline quote: "The alt-right has weaponized the word 'freedom' to undermine democracy."

So anyone who uses the word freedom is obviously a racist. Right? Keep telling yourself that, guys.

Well, Joe Biden, you may recall spent a lot of his time as Vice President meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine. And you may wonder why Ukraine as opposed to say Denmark or Senegal or any of the world's other 195 countries, simple, because the Ukrainians were paying Joe Biden's family a million dollars a year in exchange for the work that he did.

And as President, you may have noticed, Biden has continued to represent Ukrainian interests, most recently in their dispute with Russia.

Biden talks constantly about all the scary things we'll do if bad old Vladimir Putin dares to offend the territorial sovereignty of Biden's close friends, the Ukrainians.

But one thing Joe Biden will not do, he has assured us repeatedly is send American troops to Ukraine. Polls show Americans do not want that at all and Biden claims he's heard the message. Watch.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This would be the largest if he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since World War II. It would change the world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. We have to go. Thank you, guys. We have to go.

QUESTION: What about the military consequences?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You guys, come on. Let's go. Thank you.

BIDEN: There's not going to be any American forces moving into Ukraine.


CARLSON: There are not going to be any American forces moving into Ukraine. That's what Joe Biden told us and it is reassuring to hear that, but wait, it's not true. It's yet another lie from the mannequin, in case you're still bothering to keep track of them all.

FOX News has just learned that there are already more than 300 American troops in, yes, Ukraine. Now Joe Biden is calling the military advisers just like we did back in Vietnam -- troops, advisers, it's really a distinction without a difference. Just last week, we were told there are only 150 American troops in Ukraine. As far as we know, the force has more than doubled in recent days and that's assuming the new number is even real.

And by the way, why would we assume that number is real? These people lie about everything? The truth is, we have no idea how many American troops are in Ukraine right now, only that the total is a lot more than they said it was because again, they lie all the time.

So here's the question. There are American troops in Ukraine, what's going to happen to these troops if and when the Russians invade? And the Pentagon says there are no plans to pull these troops out. And so that means that very soon, American soldiers could be fighting Russian soldiers, which sounds to our civilian ears very much like the definition of war with Russia.

Are you ready for war with Russia? Has anyone asked for your consent or even your opinion on war with Russia? No. That's democracy. Biden stuff.

So the administration reportedly plans to unveil an Executive Order that would detail quote, "economic, regulatory and National Security challenges" posed by cryptocurrencies. This comes after Hillary Clinton declared that cryptocurrencies undermine the U.S. dollar, not the recklessness of our leaders, that has nothing to do with the falling value of the dollar, but Bitcoin is the real problem.

Actually, Bitcoin is a reaction to the reckless behavior of the Central Banks, of course, but the question is, would cracking down on Bitcoin create an opening for the broad adoption of the Chinese Communist Party's digital currency?

Ryan Selkis is the founder of Messari Crypto. He thinks that's possible. He joins us tonight.

Ryan, thanks so much for coming on. It's a very interesting topic, and I wish we had more time. But boil it down for us. What do you think this is really about?

RYAN SELKIS, FOUNDER, MESSARI CRYPTO: Well, thanks, Tucker. First, we have to talk about what crypto actually is. Because it's confusing for a lot of people. It's a new technology. And let's start out with Bitcoin.

It's a payment system. You can send money to anyone anywhere around the globe and it's as easy as sending an e-mail. Bitcoins themselves are fixed supplies, so they are kind of like digital gold and that is one of the reasons they've performed so well over the course of the last 10 years really.


SELKIS: What we have learned more recently is that all of these technologies can underpin other applications as well. So decentralized finance can be an alternative to Wall Street. Crypto media can help with censorship. And collectively, this industry is the fastest growing sector of tech since the internet itself.

Not everybody likes that as you can imagine. This isn't good for Big Government, it is not good for Big Banks. It's not good for Big Tech.

CARLSON: Exactly.

SELKIS: And this technology provides a check on all three. The CCP actually banned this tech, and unfortunately, they rolled out a centralized version of their own.

Our policymakers are starting to trend in the direction of the CCP, which are obviously trying to prevent at the industry level, but it could be pretty dicey the next few months, as you noted,

CARLSON: So cryptocurrency, what a nice description that was, thank you. Cryptocurrency essentially poses an existential threat to the hegemony of the Davos class, the reckless people who have wrecked everything. They're threatened by this because it promises independence to average people. Is there anything they can really do about it, do you think in real life?

SELKIS: Well, let's talk about the Biden administration's financial regulators. They talk a lot about protecting Americans from crypto. The reality is, this is about control because if you look at the state of the crypto economy right now, there was more crypto transactions processed last year than Visa processed.

The crypto economy and the private sector and all the innovation that you've seen in the last couple of years, just doing fine, and instead, this Treasury Department in particular wants to take a page out of the CCP's playbook, and instead create a top down surveillance system and Federal Reserve backed coin versus working with an industry to create a regulatory framework that makes sense.

Essentially, we're going to squander a lead and delegate authority to the same people that built healthcare.gov a few years ago. They're not the only financial regulators that are on the wrong side of this, the S.E.C. Chair has been trying to, quote-unquote, "protect" investors from what is the highest performing asset class, maybe in history, but certainly in the last 10 years.

I'm just thankful that my 90-year-old grandfather was able to buy Bitcoin in 2014, before he could be protected from a 50-times return on his capital, and a 20 percent decline in the dollar thanks to inflation.

CARLSON: So nicely put. The people who build healthcare.gov. But just super quick, in two sentences, since this is all based on the blockchain, which I think is impregnable to their efforts, right? They can't really do anything, can they? Or can they?

SELKIS: Well, they can certainly make life difficult and this is actually what the new organization I founded, the Digital Freedom Alliance is all about. We're trying to work for pro-crypto solutions, engage with policymakers that are thoughtful and ultimately support pro-crypto candidates. Because this is going to be a swing voters issue with 50 million Americans owning crypto, and quite a bit of single issue voters, myself included among that cohort.

So I'd encourage people to check out procrypto.org if they want to learn more information and get involved.

CARLSON: Yes, and under the age of 35, I mean, it's a huge issue, I would say because they have no wealth. They've been denied what previous generations had, so you can see why they care.

Ryan, thank you.

SELKIS: It's a non-partisan issue, too, Tucker.

CARLSON: Yes, oh, I agree with that completely. Thank you very much for coming on.

SELKIS: Thank you, Tucker.

CARLSON: We'll be right back.


CARLSON: So Robert Malone is a doctor, a scientist, and a pretty amazing person. He recently sat down with an interview with Joe Rogan and criticized something called mass formation psychosis. Well that just blew up the internet.

Malone and Rogan were accused of spreading misinformation. Rogan later apologized for that, Dr. Malone did not apologize. We sat down for a long conversation with Dr. Malone today for an upcoming episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." Here is what he said about the fallout from his appearance on Rogan's podcast.


DR. ROBERT MALONE, PHYSICIAN AND BIOCHEMIST: Now, they've alienated a blue collar center people and unaligned people, which is really what Rogan represents particularly younger ones.


MALONE: Okay, But Joe bent a knee, he thought that he could concede and they would leave him alone if he basically apologized, and that is not how this game is played. This is full on media war and you do not -- you don't get a break by saying I'm sorry.


CARLSON: He is right. Our full interview with Dr. Robert Malone available on FOX Nation tomorrow, and we hope you'll watch it.

We are out of time. Sean Hannity right now.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: And you know, Tucker, what's great about him is -- and this is what is funny to me about the left's reaction to him is without his medical brilliance and his creation of the mRNA technology, there wouldn't be a Pfizer vaccine, there wouldn't be a Moderna vaccine.

CARLSON: Well, that's right.

HANNITY: And the people that are most critical love the vaccines. It's kind of bizarre.

CARLSON: That guy gave money to Joe Biden last year, so it is not like he is a product of the fervent right-wing. He is just an open minded, honest man.

HANNITY: His technology led to those vaccines, and yet, he is still criticized because he doesn't exactly toe the line like Fauci.

Tucker, thank you.

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