'The Ingraham Angle' on crime wave, China's birthday

This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on July 6, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: She said she did it after losing her mom. I feel sorry for her. I lost both my parents. But the sad reality is this, she knew the rules, he chose not to abide by them. I feel bad for her. I admire her incredible athletic talents. They have to be applied equally. 

Let not your heart be troubled. Are you back from vacation yet? Are you there? Is that Laura?

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I was just on vacation from you. 

HANNITY: OK. Touche. 

INGRAHAM: And your snarky comments. 

HANNITY: You win the opening night salvo. You win. 

INGRAHAM: And your snarky comments about my vacation, because I choose--

HANNITY: You don't have to tell us the details because I think like me, you are private. But I mean, did you have a good time? 

INGRAHAM: No, Hannity. Like you and I have talked about before, it's great to get away. But when you travel with children, it's always another level and type of stress, right? No matter what age they are, they're always picking on each other. No matter what. As always we had a good time. Thank you for asking. 

HANNITY: I'm grateful my children are older now. I am grateful for all the reasons you are describing, going through (inaudible) is one of them. 

INGRAHAM: No, we had a lot of fun, but thank you. Great show, Hannity. 

HANNITY: Welcome back. We missed you. 

INGRAHAM: All right. Back at you. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is the "Ingraham Angle" from Washington. Tonight, we're going to look into the real motivation behind this over-the-top expansion of what the Capitol police is investigating. So why are they moving into states like California and Florida? 

Also, the two largest teachers unions are now on the record. There's no question about this fully embracing critical race theory. Raymond Arroyo has that all and a full breakdown in seen an unseen. 

But first, the great liberal crackup. That's the focus of tonight's "Angle". 

Now, summertime, for most Americans means more fun and freedom to do the things they love. But for most Democrats coast-to-coast, it's time to just kind of revel in being miserable, or at least make others miserable, and focus on how much they hate the time-honored American traditions that the rest of us love. 

So they'd rather define America solely around the horrors of slavery, or the events like January 6. They kind of want American schoolchildren to be taught that, aside from the civil rights marches in the 60s and a few key milestones that were reached by minorities, America's pretty much intrinsically racist and evil. 

Well, look, these are truly wretched people who would put trigger warnings on American flags if they could, people who celebrated statues being ripped down last year and who wouldn't be caught dead at a 4th of July parade this year. They'd rather nod along to the drones on NPR or kvetch about how crummy life in America is. So mingle with a bunch of Americans who come out to celebrate their country singing things like God bless America? Never. 

Now, case in point, one of the most loathsome figures on the political scene today, freshmen Congresswoman from Missouri, Cori Bush. She's an AOC acolyte and a Bernie Sanders buddy, commemorated our nation's birthday by tweeting that Black people still aren't free, and that it's a holiday for white people. 

Now, she is literally a sitting Congresswoman, saying Blacks aren't free. 

And then she refers to stolen land. My question to Congressman Bush is, should St. Louis be given back to the Native Americans? Does she even think about the absurdity of all of these positions? Of course, not. Because as with her pals in the squad, like Ilhan Omar and so forth, Bush's stock and trade is racial grandstanding, 

Now, last August, when she won her primary against longtime incumbent, William Clay, she hinted at revolution. 


REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): We decided that we aren't going to wait any longer for change and change that isn't actually coming. We have the answers. If you didn't really understand what happened, what was birthed right here in St. Louis, Missouri. In Ferguson, if you didn't understand, we're about to show you.


INGRAHAM: Well, what she hasn't shown us is that she gives a damn about what's happening in her own district. Did you know that on Thursday, in an eight hour time span, four children were shot there? Unless you think that that was all in one place. No, they were three separate incidents. 

According to the St. Louis Metro Police stats of the '97 homicide victims thus far in 2021, in St. Louis, all but five were Black victims. Of the 44 identified suspects, all but five were Black. Of course, that dynamic does not fit Cori Bush's racist, anti-cop narrative. So she simply ignores the facts and sticks to America bashing, which she truly loves. 

And San Francisco, speaking of cities in decline, continues to be a living hell. Stores like Target, they can't even stay open because crime is so bad there. Luxury stores are being hit in broad daylight. No consequences. And of course, you'll see this video with 10 suspects busting out of a Neiman Marcus, all carrying the essential luxury good items. Well, expensive handbags, who doesn't need those. 

And Oakland's police chief says that this 4th of July was among the most violent he's ever seen. "We're talking about 24 hours, he said, of nonstop chaos." 

So as Americans of all backgrounds grow disgusted by the Biden crime explosion, the more desperate Democrats will become to start looking for scapegoats, or to change the topic altogether. So they returned to the well of January 6, where the only person shot was an unarmed protester. 


WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: We begin this hour with the breaking news on those horrific new videos from January 6.

PHIL MUDD, FORMER CIA COUNTERTERRORISM OFFICIAL: Look at all their cell phones, all their laptops, you have to interview them, interview their friends. Maybe the biggest FBI investigation ever. 

NICOLE WALLACE, HOST OF MSNBC: We've also seen the growing trend of far right extremism within the halls of Congress. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a Neo-fascism that we've not seen in this country and more reflective of what we saw in the 1940s and 30s in a place called Germany. So I find great concern with that. 


INGRAHAM: I find great concern with that. This is truly pathetic. Of course, obsessing on this faux insurrection isn't just a deflection effort on their part. It's now become a pretext for the Democrats to do what they've always wanted to do, to crack down unconservative activism, speech, and conservative organizing. 

Now we're going to tell you more about Pelosi's new police state later on in the show. But if Nancy wants her party to hold the house, she better do a better job policing her own nut jobs. And of course, disassociating yourself from the America hating activists that she and her party have been coddling. 

Remember, when we told you that it was not just the American of a confederate flag that they objected to last year? It wasn't just the confederate monuments that they objected to? Well, we told you that it was all a Trojan horse for what they really wanted to take down, America herself, starting with our national flag. 

There was this heartwarming news story by New York Times reporter Sarah Maslin Nir. " Maryneily Rodriguez said that she once regularly flew the flag in her home in Freeport, taking it down only in winter for safekeeping. But about three years ago, when spring came, Ms. Rodriguez who is Black and a Democrat, left the flag in storage. It hasn't come out since. "It felt like it didn't belong to me anymore", she said." 

And Washington Post columnist, if that's what you call him, Philip Kennicott celebrated July 4th by attacking Lady Liberty. Why not? "It is ambiguous and ambivalent, meaningless or foreign, a symbol of hypocrisy or unfulfilled promises." 

Then PBS, they just oozed national unity, when during the national fireworks display Vanessa Williams saying the Black national anthem. 


VANESSA WILLIAMS, SINGER AND ACTRESS: I dedicate this to my ancestors, to our new federal holiday Juneteenth. 



INGRAHAM: A beautiful woman and a beautiful voice, but come on. This was never about some old monument to the Confederacy. And it wasn't about the flag, the Confederate flag. It's about the ultimate hatred of the left of all things traditionally American, and then spreading that propaganda that feeds ignorant comments like this. 


GWEN BERRY, ATHLETE: If you know your history, you'd know the full song of the national anthem. The third paragraph speaks to slaves in America, our blood being slang and pilchered all over the floor. It's disrespectful and it does not speak for Black Americans. It's obvious. There's no question. 


INGRAHAM: Well, there is a question what she said was just false. But just remember, as much as the left despises our country's patriotic core, they have absolutely no problem with China showing off their national pride. And they love how efficient and insightful the CCP is, because look central authority that not only restricts speech of the opposition, but then punishes anyone who strays in word or deed. 

The once respected Reuters published a story previewing China's 100-year anniversary that read more like a CCP press release. "Xi has cracked down on corruption that eroded the party's moral authority." "The party's ranks swelled by 2.43 million members in 2020, the biggest annual increase since Xi became president." "A Beijing resident gave a resounding yes when asked if she would like the party to stay in power for another 100 years." 

As if that woman would dare say anything else to an American media outlet and expect to survive the night. Come on. And Rachel Maddow doppelganger and MSNBC host Chris Hayes, he even found common cause with the CCP's news agency on the issue of American gun ownership. "Continue to be grimly fascinated by how much America's truly exceptional levels of gun violence figure in the perception of the country around the world." 

That is true, Chris, because no country better to be our moral arbiter than one guilty of widespread ethnic cleansing. Neato! Well, from soaring crime to racial bullying the Democrat-China crush, it's tempting to revel in the liberal implosion that's happening right now. And it's tempting to focus only on the political benefit to the GOP. 

But I'm here to tell you tonight there are real world effects from their embrace of anti-Americanism. A new Fox News poll shows that today only 69 percent of Americans think the U.S. is the best country to live in. That's down from 84 percent when Obama was president and the media was happy back in 2011. 

Our young people, they're being bombarded by the most unbalanced skewed vision of America, both in the classroom and, of course, celebrities' stuff on social media. Most have heard more about white privilege than they have about World War I. And it's having a corrosive effect. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you proud to be an American? 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. I feel embarrassed to be an American every day. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think that's a complicated question for me. I think most of the time, no, at least over like the past four years. It's been tricky to love to be an American.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Halfsies on that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Partly because I feel like there's certain topics where it's very controversial, but I don't know. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would honestly rather live somewhere else. 


INGRAHAM: Well, it's like the door's always open. It's like, bye. That is truly terrifying. All right. Ultimately, it's going to be up to sane Americans who can actually speak to turn this around. 

The solutions aren't partisan, they are common sense. You cannot serve a country you loathe. You can't promote the values of a country abroad that you loathe. And you certainly can't unite a country you work so feverishly to divide along racial, ethnic and class lines. But we're not going to turn this around by just appealing to the red states. 

New England needs to save itself. And at some point, the good people on the West Coast are going to grow tired of things like rolling blackouts and high taxes, and of course, skyrocketing crime. It's only a matter of time. 

And when that happens, we could see a wipe out of the liberal lunacy that has made the past six months seem like six years. And that's the "Angle". 

Joining us now Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution; and Dinesh D'Souza, author, filmmaker and host of the Dinesh D'Souza podcast. 

Victor, Eric Adams won the Democratic primary in New York running - he's a liberal guy, but he ran on a fairly pro law enforcement platform at least for a Democrat. But he's the exception in the party right now. 

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTE: Yes, he is. And every one of those issues that you've mentioned, Laura, crime, inflation, the border, critical race theory, relations with China, polls, democratic polls, insider democratic polls show that Biden's not polling 50 percent, and that should tell us something. The only one that he is, is on COVID, and that's because he just inherited the Trump Operation Warp Speed, didn't touch it, plagiarize it in a zone. And had he done that on the other issues, we would have a secure border, we were starting to really make progress and getting back without printing more money. We wouldn't have had inflation. He would have been OK. 

And then the three things that he's trying to use and have been popular on the issues is what that he is not Donald Trump. But I think people look at his cognitive issues, his challenges and they are thinking, I prefer him not - I'm more scared of the President being Joe Biden than being Donald Trump. And that's starting to have a shelf life. The same thing with COVID that for all the hysteria, the virus is waning, and they're pretty much as you handed there, they're stuck with January 6. That's all they have left and the narrative is completely crashed. 

And I'll just finish by saying that these aren't just issues, Laura, that if you are not safe, or you're in Union Square of all places in San Francisco, and they're looting in a high end Neiman Marcus, then there's no consequences. You're paying $5 a gallon for gas or $100 a sheet per plywood, and you can't even know - you have no idea who's at the border when you're being told that COVID is still dangerous, and yet 2 million people are going to come through in 12 months. That's not a sustainable civilization. 

INGRAHAM: Yes, well.

HANSON: I think in the midterms people are going to say, you know what, this can't go on. 

INGRAHAM: Well, tonight on MSNBC, Dinesh, Joy Reid had a, well, rather interesting yet predictable take on the founders. 


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: The theft that has undergirded American society, it has been for so long accepting the bland narrative that lionized these founders as sort of a bedtime story rather than confront the real pain that's in the history. 


INGRAHAM: Dinesh, that's queued up perfectly for you. 

DINESH D'SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE AUTHOR & FILMMAKER: Well, I would cite the example of Frederick Douglass, the runaway slave, who certainly knew something about the real pain and gave a kind of what appeared initially to be a denunciation of the 4th of July, he stood before the Rochester ladies anti-slavery society and he said, "You know what to the slave is the 4th of July. Are you mocking me by inviting me to be here?" But it's very interesting to follow the trajectory of that speech, because as it moves along, Frederick Douglass kind of turns and then says, "Well look, the Constitution, the founding, they are not implicated in these crimes of slavery." In fact, Douglass called the Constitution the scaffolding, kind of like the scaffolding of a building, which is taken down once the building is completed. So Douglass described the Constitution as a gloriously anti-slavery document. 

So it's critical race theory, it's people like Joy Reid, who want to tell only one side of the story as if racism was baked into the American DNA. 

There is the racist side of the story, but they miss the emancipatory tradition represented by Frederick Douglass, who after all, was also a lifelong Republican who said the Republican Party is the ship and all else is the sea. 

INGRAHAM: And Victor, the contrast between the way the media cover China's nationalistic pride, and the way they cover patriotism of their own country is stunning. OK. I was away last week, Hannity was teasing me about it, but I was away last week. And I'm reading Reuters, they're previewing the 100th anniversary speech from President Xi in China. 

And they write, "As the party has strengthened under Xi and the room for public dissent has narrowed, public discourse has become increasingly nationalistic with many Chinese expressing pride in the country's achievements, crediting the leadership of Xi and the party." So their pride, Victor, is fine. American pride, not deserved. 

HANSON: Now, China reads the left like a book. They know every chapter and verse of the left's mind. They pose as sort of this non-white diverse country that is a victim of discrimination, historical racism by the United States. But especially the left likes them because whether it's a green agenda or a mass transit, or high speed rail, or dense living, they can enact change by (inaudible). And they like that using an abuse of power because basically they don't like Democratic discussion. Progressives never do. They feel that they're platonic guardians, they're going to talk down to us that they just have the power and they wouldn't have the efficacy and the quickness to get things done. That's why they admire China. 

Just this week, we heard Charles Munger, he praise the Chinese crackdown on Jack Ma and that is in line with what Michael Bloomberg has said, and Bill Gates when he told us how well China was doing right in the midst of their lives. 

INGRAHAM: Yes. Berkshire Hathaway board member, I believe, Charlie Munger, correct, Victor? I think I have that right. 

Hanson: Yes, yes. 

INGRAHAM: Exactly. Speaking as a true multi-nationalist globalist, Victor and Dinesh, thank you. 

And why do the Capitol Police need offices outside of Washington? Senator Tom Cotton is here on Pelosi's expanding police force and that was just announced today. 

Plus, a few months ago, this show highlighted an Alaska couple who were raided by the FBI in a case of mistaken identities stemming from the January 6 riots. They're back with us with an update. It's important. Stay there. 


INGRAHAM: Now, we just explained some of the real issues that the left, of course, is ignoring. But instead of cracking down on crime, Democrats are worried about cracking down on threats that haven't even happened yet. 

Today, the Capitol police announced their jobs now expand past the fences surrounding the Capitol to field offices across the country with the first ones being in Tampa and San Francisco. Oh, that's convenient for Nancy Pelosi. 

Capitol police telling Fox News, "At this time, Florida and California where the majority of our potential threats are". The key word here is potential. But we have a few questions. Does the Capitol police need field offices? Doesn't this make the FBI field offices kind of redundant? And finally, what exactly will be considered actionable threats? 

Joining me now is Senator Tom Cotton who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Cotton, this all seems, I don't know, it smacks of a crackdown on political dissent, or at least an attempt to dissuade people from becoming active, even in a peaceful way, of course, which is what we support in political causes, especially critical of the Democrats. 

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Laura, this was news to me today. And I think it's critical that we get answers to some of the questions you raised. I mean, first, let me say, I have the deepest admiration and gratitude for the frontline Capitol police officers, who keep us safe every single day, just to make time in the Congress. 

In addition to January 6, we've had a craze Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to shoot up republican congressman in a baseball field, and they show he is of Islam supporter, rammed the car gate and killed a Capitol police officer just a couple months ago. 

The Capitol police, though, are there to protect the Capitol. They do work with us in our home states. And I can tell you that the Capitol police have always had a productive and cooperative and professional relationship with their federal counterparts here in Arkansas, FBI, Secret Service, U.S. 

Marshals, and also with our local police and local sheriff's departments. 

Those are the police forces that are here to help us in our home states and our home districts. The Capitol Police need to be focused on our Capitol. 

I think Nancy Pelosi needs to explain why these offices should be opened up. I think it is convenient as you say that the first one is proposed to be opened in San Francisco, given the skyrocketing crime rates there and the fact that people can just walk in the CVS or Walgreens. Maybe Nancy Pelosi should focus on the San Francisco police, and especially on her



INGRAHAM: Yes. But senator, that's the whole point, isn't it? 

COTTON: She refuses to prosecute basic shoplifting. 

INGRAHAM: Yes. I mean, isn't that kind of where this is all going? I mean, it dovetails into what I just said on the angle that crime is skyrocketing, especially in blue cities - blue states across the country. It's out of control. Friends of mine in San Francisco tonight messaged me about what things they were seeing there. And our focus is on people in a group that has the word constitution in it? I mean, this is all very convenient to not take responsibility for their own cities. 

And by the way, I got to get your reaction, Governor Cuomo of New York again, where crime is skyrocketing made this announcement today. 


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): First state in the nation is going to declare a disaster emergency on gun violence. We know how to deal with an epidemic. 

What we want to say is, we want to do with gun violence what we just did with COVID. That's what we want. We want the same level of attention, the same level of energy. 


INGRAHAM: So Senator, they might not be able to do lockdowns, but they certainly could abuse executive authority to take away basic constitutional rights, which I would argue, they did throughout COVID. So that was their kind of dry run for climate lockdowns or whatever they're going to do here. 

COTTON: Yes, Laura. The epidemic that Andrew Cuomo should try to handle is the epidemic of sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations against him by all the young women who used to work with him in Democratic politics. But this is of the pace without Joe Biden proposed a couple of weeks ago to confiscate the rifles of law abiding citizens, but in part in many cases, to protect themselves from the breakdown of law and order in our cities. It would do nothing to stem the flow or stem the violence from soft on crime policies, almost all of which crimes are committed in cities, with handguns, not with rifles. 

So think about that. The government is turning a blind eye and in some cases, even releasing criminals on the street to terrorize and victimize our citizens or trying to take away the means of self defense from law abiding citizens. 

INGRAHAM: Senator, thanks. Great to see it tonight. 

And speaking of an expanding police state, a few months ago, we brought you the story of Paul and Marilyn Hueper that Alaska couple that said that they were at Trump's rally on January six, even walked to the Capitol at one point, but never went inside the building. But despite that, the FBI busted in their doors and accused the business owners of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop. 

Congressman Jim Jordan recently pressed the FBI Director Chris Wray over their treatment. 


REP. JIM JORDAN, (R-OH) HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE RANKING MEMBER:  You kicked in their door. You held them at gun point, handcuffed them, interrogated for four hours, took their phone, you took their laptop, and you took a copy of their pocket-sized Constitution. Why'd you take the Constitution? 

CHRISTOPHER WRAY, FBI DIRECTOR:  Congressman, as you know, I can't discuss a specific investigation. 

JORDAN:  Is it a habit of the FBI to take Constitutions from people that you're interrogating? 

WRAY:  I don't know if it's a habit to pursue to any particular docs. We just seize the evidence that is relevant to what is in the affidavit, the search warrant affidavit. 


INGRAHAM:  My God, is he sleazy. Joining me now is that couple, Marilyn and Paul Hueper. Marilyn, we went through that affidavit to see where the pocket-sized Constitution would fall as far as relevant evidence goes. 

Under information to be seized by the government, it said, among other things, any info that indicates state of mind regarding intent related to criminal activity. So is this where we are in our country, Marilyn, that reading the Constitution and maybe even knowing the Constitution produces a criminal mindset? 

MARILYN HUEPER, HOUSE RAIDED BY FBI:  I think it's indicative and frightening for us as Americans. It should be frightening, because this is actually the copy they took, and there's no markings in it, nothing. It's completely blank and empty. In fact the binding wasn't even broken because, I am embarrassed to say, I hadn't read it. I'm not even sure, it was probably given at a parade or something. I know you can get them for free from most legislation offices, from most of our government offices. So I think if they are giving away something for free and encouraging us that we should know these things, and then they're circling back to collect them and use what they are giving to us as a reminder of our heritage and rights and then using that as evidence against us to collect us and our rights. So I think it's very concerning. 

INGRAHAM:  It's like something you would think the CCP would do if they were reading something before the Great Leap Forward. Thank God they didn't seize your John Philip Sousa CDs. That would really produce a criminal mindset. 

Congressman Jordan, by the way, Paul, had a revealing exchange with the FBI director at that same hearing. Watch.


REP. JIM JORDAN, (R-OH) HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE RANKING MEMBER:  You returned the phone to them, but the data on the phone, do you have copies of their text messages, emails, anything on their phone, did you keep all that? 

CHRISTOPHER WRAY, FBI DIRECTOR:  Well, when we return people's information, my impression is we don't keep that information, but it depends on the circumstances of the investigation. 


INGRAHAM:  Is he actually the FBI director. He doesn't seem to know a lot. 

Paul, so they have all your text messages, obviously. What does that make you feel like? 

PAUL HUEPER, HOUSE RAIDED BY FBI:  Wow. Not good. But we are seeing evidence of them refusing to let this go even though it's so obvious that we were not the people they were looking for. We just traveled recently, had every piece of our luggage torn apart. We missed three flights trying to get to San Francisco for a wedding and a funeral. And they went through everything, held us up, went through item piece by piece by piece. Met us down at the runway at the -- 

INGRAHAM:  Wait, wait. Paul, where was this? Where was this?

P. HUEPER:  This is, first of all, Anchorage, then Seattle, and then San Francisco. 

INGRAHAM: Recently? This just happened? 

P. HUEPER:  Yes, two days ago. 

M. HUEPER: Yesterday. 

INGRAHAM:  What? So you're being treated -- everyone in the country needs to know this. You are being treated like you are on a terror watch list almost. 

P. HUEPER:  Right. 

INGRAHAM:  Right, because you actually attended a rally and walked to the Capitol and didn't even go into the Capitol? You are being treated like a domestic terror threat, is that the way it makes you feel like? 

P. HUEPER: Absolutely. We feel like they are just completely harassing us. 

And they know that they have got the wrong couple, and they won't let it go. They are just constantly digging, digging, digging, and putting us on these terrorist lists and all of that, and checking over to make sure we don't have any bombs on us twice over. They sent us through security, sent us back through security a second time, and then, like I mentioned, met us at the airplane and went through our stuff for a third time. Crazy.

INGRAHAM:  What would have happened if you didn't wear a mask on the plane? 

Then you would have really --


P. HUEPER:  Oh my gosh, we would be sitting in jail right now. 

INGRAHAM:  Oh, my goodness. Marilyn and Paul, this story keeps getting weirder. We will check back with you shortly to find out what the latest is. This is an outrage. 

Just like we warned you, two of the nation's biggest teachers unions are going all in on Critical Race Theory, plus Biden's new obsession, the COVID variants. Raymond Arroyo has it all. "Seen and Unseen" next.


INGRAHAM:  It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we unpack the big cultural stories of the day. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, the American Federation of Teachers making headlines at their annual fascinating conference. 

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Yes, Laura, this is why we cover these cultural issues, because these are the things that most directly touch our lives and our children's lives. Days after the largest teachers' 

union voted to publicize Critical Race Theory and, quote, "fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric," AFT President Randi Weingarten today vowed to on not Critical Race Theory, but the parents who oppose it in the classroom. 


RANDI WEINGARTEN, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS:  Cultural warriors are labeling any discussion of race, racism, or discrimination as CRY to try to make it toxic. They are bullying teachers and trying to stop us from teaching students accurate history. 

Our union will defend any member who gets in trouble for teaching honest history. We have a legal defense fund ready to go, and we are preparing for litigation as we speak. 


ARROYO:  OK, basically what we have here, Laura, are the two largest teachers union in the country vowing to protect this notion that racism is systemic in all facets of American history and life, and no matter what parents think, they are determined to bring it to the classroom and even drag those parents to court. 

INGRAHAM:  Number one, she is a hateful person, and, apparently, she doesn't like much about America. And parents who actually are the clients of the schools and actually paying the salaries of teachers, many of whom don't want to go back to teach, she wants to insult them as well. So hateful woman. It's going to bring down the Democrat Party. That's my prediction. What else?

ARROYO:  It's even worse than that, Laura. The NEA approved investigating any grassroots organization opposed to Critical Race Theory. And Randi Weingarten has now empowered 20 teachers to create a curricula to teach about misinformation and January 6th, coming to a school near you. What's really disturbing is the politics at play with these unions. The two teachers unions spent $35 million in the 2020 cycle, mostly with Democrats and Democratic candidates. And it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon. Here's what teachers at their union conference will hear later this week. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tune in to hear amazing speeches, such as Professor Ibram Kendi on anti-racist teaching strategies, and Stacey Abrams on saving our democracy. 



INGRAHAM:  Is Adam Kinzinger going to show up to give the conservative view on this? This is a horror show. Oh, my God.

ARROYO:  Who knows? Liz Cheney will be the visiting professor of misinformation.

INGRAHAM:  Raymond, is it a teacher's conference or just a dress rehearsal for the DNC? You can't really tell at this point. 

ARROYO:  We're going to check on that. I think you need to do a teachers union town hall down there next year, Laura. 

Even as COVID recedes, the president wants kids to be vaccinated. Why, you might ask. Beware the variants. 


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  The Delta variant is already responsible for half of all cases in many parts of this country. 

It's more easily transmissible, potentially more dangerous. And it should cause reconsideration, especially in young people who may have thought that they didn't have to be vaccinated, didn't have to worry about it. 


ARROYO:  The Delta variant I am most concerned about is my flight getting delayed, Laura. But notice how Biden said the Delta variant is potentially


INGRAHAM: Potentially.

ARROYO:  -- more dangerous to adolescents. Skateboarding and vaping are potentially more dangerous, but the Feds aren't shutting that down, going door to door.

I spoked to two epidemiologists over the weekend about this variant. Both said it does not evade natural or vaccine immunity, and kids have a lot of natural immunity. The science is clear. It's slightly more infectious, but not more deadly. 

INGRAHAM:  Yes, hospitalizations and deaths are pretty much down, what is it, 29 percent over the last 14 days, 33 percent all over the United States. They are just looking for another excuse to keep the teachers home, if you ask me. 

But all this hysteria, Raymond, is causing families to make insane decisions. A couple proudly shared their decision to vaccinate their infant! 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The decision to get ourselves vaccinated was actually very easy, but definitely deciding for our kids, particularly for our baby, was definitely much more difficult. It became abundantly clear that the benefits of vaccination far, far outweighed any risks from the vaccination irrespective of age. 


ARROYO:  And actually, that's not true. We hear a lot about science, Laura, but it only gets referenced to make political points. The American Academy of Pediatrics says of the 0.03 child COVID, zero percent ended in dating, zero. And severe illnesses are very rare. Infants have robust immune systems. Let them work. 

INGRAHAM:  And most of the deaths, right, or a good percentage of the deaths are past life expectancy in COVID, so the lockdowns, all of this, it's a crime against humanity. Raymond, thank you. Great to see you.

And the left wants to control everything from where you go, what you say, what you think, and now your thermostat? We're going to explain how climate alarmists could be targeting your home thermostat next. 


INGRAHAM:  OK, are the climate crazies now coming for your AC? A new piece in "TIME" magazine hints at where this is all going, saying "We must reorient ourselves to the meaning of air conditioning and to comfort. 

Privatized air-conditioning survived the ozone crisis, but it's power to separate -- by class, by race, by nation, by ability -- has survived, too. 

Comfort for some comes at the expense of life on this planet. It's time we become more comfortable with discomfort. Our survival may depend on it."

Here now is Steve Milloy, former Trump EPA transition team member, founder of JunkScience.com. Steve, is this where the smart thermostats are a bit tricky because there can be some way to keep them at an uncomfortable 78 degrees in 100 degree weather? Where is this going?

STEVE MILLOY, FOUNDER, JUNKSCIENCE.COM: That's 100 percent, Laura. The only way for Joe Biden to meet his commitments under the Paris Climate Accord is to start rationing electricity. And that's what smart meters are for. So when the utility comes to your house and offers you a free smart meter, just say no, because what they are going to able to do is control your air conditioning as well as your other appliances. All these smart appliances now can talk to each other. And so the utilities will be able to control when you use what. And I don't think that's what people want in America.

INGRAHAM:  The electricity providers, Steve, they are not just adjusting thermostats during these extreme weather events. "Utilities are fully aware of the strain a heatwave will put on the grid will all those AC units humming along. They can even predict how demand will fluctuate during the day, for instance, when people return home from work around 5:00 or 6:00, switch on their systems. This also happens when supply tightens -- utilities can generate only so much power at a given time." Steve, wouldn't it have been just a lot easier if we just kept our energy independence and use all that natural gas and oil that we had access to before we started capping these wells? 

MILLOY:  That would be a lot better. And they want to make it worse with the electric vehicles. During the recent heatwaves, California issued a warning for people to pre-charge their vehicles because when you get home and demand goes up, there's not going to enough electricity to charge your vehicle. So this is real problem. We should just keep our fossil fuels, nuclear power baseload, keep our grid going. That will keep everybody happy, keep everybody prosperous and healthy. 

INGRAHAM:  A former oil executive I talked to last week told me, Steve, that when you cap an oil well, the idea you can just turn it back on if Republicans take power again, he said no, it's very complicated, that wells to be continue to be utilized, and the oil has to continue to come out. If it's a $60 a barrel, you just can't re-tap a sealed well. So he said people just have no clue as to what this is really going to do to the economy. 

MILLOY:  Yes, there is no screw on cap. Oil prices are going up. And our fracking industry is not too eager to get back into this because of the current political climate with Joe Biden. And big oil -- Joe Biden has actually put the screws to frackers now with reinstating the Obama methane rule. So they are not very eager to get back into this business, because there's no money to be made the way the EPA is going to regulate them. 

INGRAHAM:  Would you tell people today to go back to the old dial thermostats, yes or no? 

MILLOY:  When the utility company came to my house, I told them to get lost. I like my old dial thermostat, and that's what I have. 

INGRAHAM:  OK. I think a lot of people are listening. Steve, thank you.

"The 1619 Project" cofounder was handed tenure for nothing. We'll tell you about it, Last Bite next. 



NIKOLE HANNAH-JONES, "1619 PROJECT" COFOUNDER:  It was humiliating. It was deeply hurtful, and it was enraging. Because, as you know, you don't grow up a black child in this country without being told that you have to work twice as hard to get half as far, that you have to be twice as good. But I have been that. 


INGRAHAM:  Not twice as good, just accurate. She was given tenure despite lacking any qualifications. Embarrassing.

Gutfeld next.

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