Ingraham on Biden-Putin summit, G-7 world leaders

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," June 14, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

INGRAHAM: All right. You already had an hour. Love you, Hannity. We'll see you tomorrow. All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington. Tonight, our own Raymond Arroyo joins us for the live report from McAllen, Texas after a very busy 24 hours on the ground there. So, he's basically going where Kamala won't go, the border and a full report a little later.

Plus, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson's YouTube page suspended after he promoted hydroxychloroquine and talked about a study that was just released. We talked about it. He's here to respond to this. But first, Joe's European giveaway. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

Now, after Kamala's disastrous trip to Central America, you can see why the media, they're desperate to switch topics. So, her avoidance of the border reflects so badly on the administration that the only way they can turn the page was to feature Biden appearing strong, right and command and eager to re-engage with Europe. There was one little problem though, Joe Biden.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And Libya, we should be opening up the passes, to be able to go through and provide food assistance and economic - I mean, vital assistance to a population that's in real trouble. For example, the rebuilding of Syria of, of Libya.


INGRAHAM: Wait, wait. How does Mr. Foreign Policy mix up Syria with Libya? I've got to say, guys, this is unfair. It's confusing, because both countries do end with the ya sound at the end. So, it's very confusing. Well, the entire G7 and its aftermath reminded me of how hard it is to take, like elderly relatives. And many of you who've done this before, you want to take them out of their retirement home for the day and show them some fun time, and some activities.

And then they end up just spending much of the time pretending to understand what's going on around them. Right. And then the rest of the time, they just seem bewildered to the point where they're minders. Sometimes us have to politely try to cover for them.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Vladimir Putin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer. Is that still your belief, sir, that he is a killer?

BIDEN: I'm laughing, too. Actually - well, look, I mean, he is made clear that the answer is, I believe he is in the past, essentially, acknowledge that he was - there are certain things that he would do or did do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The short answer is yes, President Biden very clearly still believes President Putin is a killer, but you can see the strategic calculation as he was deciding where he was going to go with that answer, and then how he ended it making clear that this is the reality.


INGRAHAM: That was the minder translating Joe for you. Now, the entire event seemed like an ongoing exercise and elder abuse complete with scam artists, like this time, the Europeans who spend their time patronizing the patient all the while working to drain his bank account, except in this case of elder abuse, it's America's bank account and our independence, that's at risk.


EMANNUEL MACRON, FRANCE PRESIDENT: It's great to have U.S. president part of the club and very willing to cooperate.


BORIS JOHNSON, UK PRIME MINISTER: With Joe Biden, you sort of feel that he wants to - he's a great believer in the Transatlantic Alliance.


INGRAHAM: Of course, they're happy and then the press was gushing.


GLORIA BORGER, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL ANALYST: In one way, he had them at hello, right, he was just there saying, I want to be a part of the G7. I want to be a part of the world community.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think they're relieved that the United States has in some ways the United States they remember that you've got a more traditional American presidents like.

FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN HOST, FAREED ZAKARIA GPS: Predictable, traditional, maybe a little boring, but I think we know which way the world prefers it.


INGRAHAM: Of course, that's the way the world prefers it. Nations like France and Germany prefer Biden because with him, they have outsized leverage, they'll get most of what they want, and then they'll give up nothing. Meanwhile, America gets stiffed and our taxpayers will of course, we pick up the bill.

Now, both the media and the Democrats, they want to keep this entire conversation as you can hear it in the press coverage, just steeped in generalities. They don't want you to know what's actually in this 25 page G7 communique that Biden ended up agreeing to, now why don't they want you to know what's in it, if it's such a great accomplishment? Because it's a sovereignty killing, prosperity destroying series of policy pronouncements that would never get passed around Congress. Here's some of the lowlights.

Vaccine passports. Oh, yay. If you're worried about being forced to show your papers for travel? Well, you should be, things sound ominous on the vaccine passport issue with the G7 recognizing the need for a set of common standards for travel, including interoperability and mutual recognition of digital applications, testing requirements and recognition of vaccination status. Well, how would any of this be possible without an actual digital vaccination certificate?

Next item, Well, goodbye cars. Here's the relevant language here. We commit to accelerate the transition away from new sales of diesel and petrol cars to promote the uptake of zero emission vehicles. Well, we kind of like Elon Musk, I've said that before. And I'm glad he's happy. But this isn't anything that Joe Biden has the authority or voter mandate to commit to.

The big anti-fossil fuels umbrella provision is ripped right from that International Energy Agency report that we warned you about some weeks ago. Biden reaffirmed his commitment to the goal of net zero carbon emissions across all sectors of our economies, and societies.

My friends, this will destroy hundreds of thousands of the good paying American jobs that are left here, drive up energy costs for every living American, devastate our national security as we'll lose our energy independence. Of course, the cost of everything's going up, fuel costs going up.

Now, as part of this, Biden wants not only your car, your gas powered car, but also, he'd kind of like your fridge and your favorite lamp as well. For document references, this nifty acronym called SEEAD, S-E-E-A-D, which refers to super-efficient equipment and appliance deployment initiative, requiring new systems by 2030. So, get ready to shell out big bucks. If you like low flow toilets, you'll love paying more while you're getting less from all your appliances.

But a few groups, I've got to say will do just fine in this G7 document like Wall Street and global bureaucrats. Now this comes from the goal to jointly mobilize $100 billion per year from public and private sources for meaningful mitigation actions. What's that and increasing public climate finance contributions? I'm going to translate this for you. You're going to pay more for a lower standard of living, while bureaucrats make more money and along with this Green Act boondoggle or sweetheart deals for Wall Street, they're going to be cashing in, as government's quote, develop the Global Green finance market in order to, quote mobilize the trillions of dollars of private sector finance needed to meet net zero emissions.

So, it's kind of like during the pandemic, even when American families got poor, big corporate interest got a lot richer. Of course, though, no Biden by end would be complete without a nod to the gender fluidity crowd. The document pretends to safeguard women and girl's empowerment, while at the same time supporting diversity including of sexual orientations, and gender identities. OK.

This is THE ANGLE shorthand for you kids, boys and men should be able to play and even dominate girls and women's athletics. Three manly cheers for girl power. So, what did Biden get for all this nonsense that will weaken the U.S. vis-a-vis our G7 counterparts. Remember, during the campaign, he bragged that under a Biden Administration, he with all his foreign policy experience was going to be able to use his influence with our allies to get tough on China.

Instead, he comes home with a limp, pointless statement, saying, we will continue to consult on collective approaches to challenging non-market policies and practices. We will cooperate where it is in our mutual interest on shared global challenges, in particular, addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. I'm sure China is going to be up late at night about that.

They go out of their way, by the way, not to offend China by including only a very tepid, very general bland mention of respecting human rights without ever mentioning the wiggers Uyghurs by name. And of course, they'll never use the word genocide. This is a complete abdication to China, they are celebrating tonight, it's a total failure on the part of Joe Biden.

In response to this, all of this, Republicans on the Hill have to get their messaging right and deliver it with precision and clarity. It should go something like this. For our alliance to survive with the G7 countries, it must be between America and our foreign partners, not our foreign partners in the Democrat Party. But right now, Joe Biden is promising, he's promising to write checks that he won't be able to cash, they're not going to be able to ever get the money from

Biden does not have the power to agree to any of this. And he certainly doesn't have the support of the American people to do it. So, we're going to put everyone on notice. We're going to retake the House next year, then we're going to retake the White House in 2024. And when we do, we're going to shred this document as soon as we can. Thus, when we get a president who is actually looking out for America's interest again, don't say we didn't warn you. This entire G7 exercise is a waste of time, it's completely invalid.

Biden himself though, seems to know is in a bit of a jam given the political realities at home.


BIDEN: The Republican Party is vastly diminished in numbers. The leadership of the Republican Party is fractured. And the Trump wing of the party is the bulk of the party. But it makes up a significant minority of the American people.


INGRAHAM: I know who wrote that for him, but that was nice try Joe. But Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger make up about, I don't know what, 2 percent of the GOP. The rest of its America First baby. Even CNN sees where this is headed, although pathetically tries to tie the futility of the G7 meeting to January 6th somehow.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: The European leaders they trust President Biden, the relief at the G7 and NATO Summit is clearly palpable after four years of Trump, but do they trust the United States right now? Do they trust Congress in the aftermath, let's say of January 6th, and the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol?

IAN BREMMER, PRESIDENT, EURASIA GROUP AND GZERO MEDIA: Less so less so. And I mean, one of the reasons you saw no movement on climate finance, despite the fact that Biden brought the United States back into the Paris Climate Accord and has appointed John Kerry to a cabinet position on climate is precisely because they don't believe that the U.S. legislature is going to get a lot done.


INGRAHAM: Yes, well, hello, of course, they're not. Here's an idea. Let's have Joe Biden try to pass any of what he agreed to over in Europe through Congress. You know that whole democratic process thing they claim to care so much about, the same one they claim was threatened on January 6th. Remember when Donald Trump, Happy Birthday Mr. President, traveled to these international con fabs, the global elites were very gloomy. They knew he wasn't a sucker for their charades. America came first for him and where we had shared goal with our European partners, he tried to forge common ground. That made sense.

Macron and Merkel knew though that Biden was always going to be an uneasy touch, pun intended. A few references to build back better and that communique was all it took to get his team of fools to agree to a document filled with great reset giveaways to special interests.

Republicans have to make it crystal clear, Joe may be a cheap date, but America is not. Whatever his endearing bumbling qualities, Uncle Chucklehead does not have the mandate for any of this. The voters who turned out for Biden did so thinking he'd protect our interests, not work against them. And that's THE ANGLE.

Here now is Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. Senator, this story keeps getting worse. Right before we went to air tonight, NATO released its own communique, which the New York Times summed up this way. Russia is repeatedly described as a threat to NATO in the document. By contrast, China is described as presenting challenges. The communique is summed up further by the times, saying in a gesture toward diplomacy engagement, the Alliance vows to maintain a constructive dialogue with China where possible, including on the issue of climate change.

Senator, this is a complete joke, Biden's supposed foreign policy influence with just a bunch of smoke and mirrors, China is now on the catbird seat. Your reaction?

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): So, Laura, I guess you could say that it's good that NATO finally recognized that China is at least a challenge, but if Russia is a threat, China is the threat to the United States and to the free world. And our European allies need to recognize that threat China poses, but instead you've got Angela Merkel watering down these communiques from NATO and the G7, because she wants to sell more BMWs and Volkswagens into Germany. She wants to keep German markets open.

All these European leaders want Chinese money to continue come flooding into their countries, all at the risk of our shared common security. And Joe Biden simply did not push hard enough for our European allies to recognize China as the leading threat that we face and that the free world faces.

INGRAHAM: Well, Senator when Trump tried to improve relations with Russia, he was accused of being like a Russian agent. But now the media is opining that Russia is growing closer to China. Politico reported tonight. For many years, the relationship between China and Russia appears to be limited to tactical cooperation, or temporary partnerships and convenience. More recently, however, it seems to be transforming into something more sustained and strategic.

Senator, isn't this what Trump was saying all along? We don't want them to form their own access?

COTTON: Well, that's always been one of the greatest concerns of our foreign policy as it relates to Europe and Asia, if Russia and China were ever willing to cooperate together against the United States, and the very fact that you had Vladimir Putin earlier this year massing forces outside of Ukraine, and Xi Jinping continuing to enter Taiwanese airspace, I think suggests that both of these dictators have taken the measure of Joe Biden, and they found then wanting and they think that they can push the United States around, and some of the rhetoric coming out of the G7 and the NATO meeting, unfortunately, seems to confirm that impression.

INGRAHAM: Well, we found out recently about the true extent, at least that what we know reported about China's huge financial outlays to build up their military senator. So, they are building up their military with all the extra cash they have, that they've - lot of it built up during the pandemic and with this huge trade deficit. But at the same time, our military seems to be getting more woke, more focus on diversity, equity inclusion and critical race theory and all of that. And you have now whistleblower complaints from members of our military about the pervasiveness of this critical race theory issue.

One complaint talked about a discussion on police brutality, white privilege and systemic racism, dominated by high ranking and white colonels. And a younger junior Hispanic officer, I would later learn that junior officer is a former DNC staffer, and these go on and on and on. What can you tell us, senator?

COTTON: Yes, Congressman Crenshaw, and I have received hundreds of such whistleblower complaints, since we encouraged members of our armed forces to write to us, I pressed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin last week at our armed services committee hearing, let's just say that he didn't want to give simple yes or no answers to basic questions like, is our military racist? Is our country inherently racist? Should people be promoted primarily on the basis of their race and sex?

But in the end, he did say that no, of course, those things should not happen. And any trooper out there who has this kind of anti-American critical race theory, trained or presented to them, should report to their chain of command or the Inspector General, other appropriate channels, which I would suggest again tonight in your show, as I have the past couple of times, I've been on is through my office or Congressman Crenshaw's office as well. It's made a big difference for us.

INGRAHAM: So, you are asking people again, this is the third time on the show. If you remember the military and some of this racial bullying is going on and if you're watching it to call your office and get in touch with your staff and tell them exactly what's happened and continue that dossier of complaints.

COTTON: Yes, please do. The Secretary of Defense last week acknowledged on the record, that our troopers should not be indoctrinated with this kind of critical race theory nonsense. Furthermore, Laura, I'd say that every year we confirm on voice vote in the Senate. Tens of thousands of military officers' promotions from First Lieutenant on up that includes a couple hundred generals every year that we don't have to rubber stamp those. We can examine them more closely. We can see if these generals have been dancing to the tune of the political appointees of the Biden Administration, now, contrary to the exact direction of the Secretary of Defense last week.

Perhaps, we need to start taking a little more careful look at what these generals have been tolerating or even promoting in their commands.

INGRAHAM: And the funding question comes next. Senator, thank you so much. And the pandemic may be winding down, but big tips COVID censorship. Oh, it's ramping up. Senator Ron Johnson joins us in moments. He's going to tell us why YouTube is now censoring him over a certain COVID drug. Plus, Raymond Arroyo is live in McAllen, Texas. A border report you cannot miss. Stay there.



INGRAHAM: Over 500,000 Americans, 550,000 Americans. I mean, are we talking we could have saved 10,000 lives?


INGRAHAM: 100,000.

SMITH: Yes, Laura, I hate to say things like that. But yes, study was not really just hydroxychloroquine, study by any means. We look at everything, we look at every medicine ever given, every lab, every vital sign. We looked at prior visits to doctors, but hydroxychloroquine kept coming up.


INGRAHAM: Two weeks ago, on our on our show, Dr. Stephen Smith detailed the incredible findings of his latest study on hydroxychloroquine, made worldwide headlines. The most stunning of which was that hydroxy improves survival rates of severely ill COVID patients by 200 percent. Now, Dr. Smith is one of the most renowned and well respected infectious disease experts in the country. So, you'd think that his research would at least convince the Big Tech censors to back off? No, not YouTube.

They still consider any positive takes on hydroxychloroquine to be medical misinformation. In fact, just days ago, the social media platform took down a video of Senator Ron Johnson agreeing with Dr. Smith, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson is not censored on this show. He joins us now.

Senator, YouTube told THE INGRAHAM ANGLE that the misinformation you posted could cause real world harm. That's what they told us. This is obscene, Senator.

SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): It is, you know, Laura, all I've been trying to do literally for over a year now is just talk about early treatment. We had Peter McCullough and Harvey Risch, and George Fareed testified before my committee in November. And Dr. McCullough laid out the four pillars of pandemic response. First, limit the spread. Second, early treatment. Third, hospital treatment. Fourth, vaccines.

We've by and large ignored early treatment. I'm not exactly sure why. But the fact of the matter is, because we have ignored early treatment, I don't know how many thousands of lives, tens of thousands of lives were lost. It didn't need to be lost. But it's a tragedy. It's a real blunder on the part of our health agencies.

INGRAHAM: Senator, but at the time, Fauci and friends were pushing drugs like Remdesivir, which - the study of which was so unconvincing, they had to change the ultimate outcome mid study, which is a no-no in science. That was extremely expensive, highly touted. huge profit margin, obviously, for Big Pharma, along with the vaccines. So, is there a vested interest in not giving early treatment because of other interests that are very powerful in Washington?

JOHNSON: That's real possibility. Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, those treatments probably cost less than $50 per patient. Remdesivir is over 3000. And there's real problems with the side effects of liver toxicity. So that may be one of the reasons.

Another reason might be the fact that if you have effective treatments, it's very difficult, if not impossible to get an emergency use authorization on an experimental vaccine. That could also be driving this.

Again, I have no idea. I've just been beating my head against the wall for over a year. I've been labeled together with Dr. McCullough and Harvey Risch as the snake oil salesman of the senate, censored twice now, Dr. Pierre Kory, his YouTube video from his testimony from my hearing, 8 million views. People do not like the NIH guideline to basically do nothing, go home afraid, isolate yourself. If you get sick enough, go to the hospital, people actually looking for early treatment, YouTube censored that after 8 million views, and now they censored some pretty innocuous statements where again, I'm just asking people get information.

Talk to a doctor that's willing to - consider early treatment. It might save your life.

INGRAHAM: Yes, well, this is so beyond obvious at this point. it's sickening. But what about that, Mark Zuckerberg emailed to Fauci where there was that whole paragraph that was redacted after he said he wanted him to come on and do a live Q&A. And then it said, finally, and the whole paragraph was redacted. That was a little odd.

JOHNSON: Yes, we've written to be NIH to give us all of those emails unredacted so we can actually see what's behind the reductions.

There has been a cover-up. Let's face it, whether it's the lab leak theory or the origin, the whole cover-up of that, but also in terms of what all is happening here with early treatment. I have written three letters to Dr. Collins to explain, what have you done early treatment? He claims he spent hundreds of millions of dollars exploring different generic drugs for repurchasing.


JOHNSON: I know, and he obviously doesn't respond of me. So these agencies have got an awful lot of explaining to do.

INGRAHAM: A new book by former Biden COVID advisor Andy Slavitt exposes who Dr. Birx, famous for her scarfs, favored in the 2020 election. CNN reported that "At one point after a brief pause, she looked at me," Slavitt, "in the eye and said I hope the election turns out a certain way. I had the most important information I needed."

Senator Johnson, I had the feeling, and I just could tell by her body language and the way she looked at President Trump. Same with Fauci. It was obvious to me from the very beginning that they were pretty liberal people, which is fine. They are liberals. But they can't have that much authority over these medical decisions as unelected Democrats in a Republican administration, not if they're not paying attention to real science.

JOHNSON: Well, the president was plagued by people that were not loyal to him throughout the administration, all of these agencies. Laura, there is a very deep state. It's primarily populated by liberal Democrats, who they oppose a conservative president's agenda. It makes it difficult. It is actually amazing how much President Trump accomplished with that level of resistance.

INGRAHAM: I also want to get your reaction to the video that was purportedly taken inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This video was obtained by Sky News Australia. It has not been independently verified yet by FOX News, but watch.


SHARRI MARKSON, SKY NEWS HOST: It is not a conspiracy to say there were live bats at the lab. It is a fact. And as you can see, this video shows bats in a cage at the Wuhan Institute. You can also see there a researcher feeding a bat with a worm.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my God, aside from the fact that I'm creeped out by that, your response?

JOHNSON: Well, I think the truth has been hiding in plain sight in terms of gain of function research, in terms of probably where this virus was released, probably from the Wuhan lab. It's all been out there. And of course, the news media has been covering that up as well, social has. So again, these health agencies, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, they have an awful lot of explaining to do.

INGRAHAM: They make a lot of money courtesy of the U.S. taxpayers, right. He makes $400,000 plus a year. I thought there was a federal retirement age. I guess not, that doesn't apply to people who wear lab coats. I think it's time to retire. Senator, great to see you.

And coming up, THE INGRAHAM ANGLE goes where Kamala Harris refuses to even set foot, our southern border. Our own Raymond Arroyo is on the front lines of them migrant crisis in McAllen, Texas. He joins us next.


INGRAHAM: So Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, he just deployed state law enforcement to aid Border Patrol as migrants, of course, flood across the border. The crisis is deepening for reasons you may not have suspected. Our own Raymond Arroyo joins us live from the Rio Grande Valley. Raymond, it's thundering and lightning here, which you may be hearing, but what are you seeing there?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, we often hear that there is a human crisis at the border. What I have found over the last few days is that that crisis may be coordinated. It is a combination of Biden's border policies and criminal elements, as we discovered when we embedded with the members of Texas Department of Public Safety, their special ops division. Watch.


RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Stand on the banks of the Rio Grande in Roma, Texas, on a weekend night, and there is a party literally on the river. Lieutenant Christopher Olivarez is a Texas ranger.

LT. CHRISTOPHER OLIVAREZ, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: You can see there's cars, numerous cars just driving around on purpose. And once it kind of dies down, clears out, that is when you start seeing the criminal activity taking place on this side.

ARROYO: The river distraction rivals the water show at the Bellagio and gives scouts a chance to scope out quieter locations up and down the river.

OLIVAREZ: There is constant traffic coming through here.

ARROYO: We drove to a favorite cartel drop point, now patrolled by Texas National Guard. We waited in the dark until 1:00 a.m. when the cartel started moving migrants across the Rio Grande. They came, and they came some more.

You notice they are tagged with bands, which is operating procedure for the cartel. They literally tagged these people. And not only are they clients of the cartel, but in some cases, they have to work off their journey once they are in America. There is no doubt they were brought here by the cartels, but when questioned, they won't speak at all.

After dropping off these migrants, the smuggler returns to Mexico. This is a business, and in many ways a deception, a distraction, a human one. Up the road, they are met by Border Patrol, who now, unable to patrol, are forced to register and transport hundreds of migrants. Due to the relaxed Biden border policies, the surge of migrants has increased, and so has the power of the unseen cartels.

And once their processed, Border Patrol brings migrants here to the respite center in McAllen. It is one of many faith-affiliated groups that help these migrants settle into America, help them find their destinations, and send them on their way.

JAVIER VILLALOBOS, (R) MAYOR OF MCALLEN, TEXAS: It's a problem for the whole country. They pass through here, but they don't stay here. They come to downtown McAllen, then they're transported out. So they pass through here and they're gone. So it's a municipal issue to an extent, but after that, it's an issue for our whole country.

ARROYO: The new mayor of McAllen, Javier Villalobos, sees through the cartel's game.

VILLALOBOS: Sometimes it seems we are partnering up with the cartels. They bring them and we assess. It's not right. It doesn't seem right, and we've got to make sure that the policies are changed, whatever they are. What they are doing right now is not working.


ARROYO: Laura, the mayor is right. The Biden policies at the border really have turned Border Patrol into the partner of the cartel, an unwilling partner. And that's why Governor Abbott had to dispatch those 1,000 of his own law enforcement people to rebolster those efforts and fill in the gaps.

By the way, Border Patrol has intercepted or arrested 180,000 migrants in the month of May. Tomorrow, we're going to tell you the real activity of these cartels, what they're doing behind the scenes. It's frightening.

INGRAHAM: This is so -- it's so shocking on so many levels. The adjectives don't even flow at this point, Raymond. It's both heartbreaking, infuriating, disheartening, disconcerting, outrageous. Again, the adjectives don't capture it. It is a human tragedy, an economic disaster. It hurts our schools, it hurts our health care system. Everyone feels bad for people who come from bad countries where they can't get a job, but that's half of the world.

ARROYO: But they are being abused, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Of course they are.

ARROYO: Those people are being abused. They are being sold a bill of goods. They're paying to come here. And then they're used by these cartels. Sometimes they're used in the sex trade. Other terms they're used illicitly for various criminal activity. It is a -- it could be stopped, though. It could be stopped.

INGRAHAM: But our focus, Raymond -- but our focus has to be on the American people. Our president is supposed to be representing the American interest. He screwed it up over in Europe over the last few days. Now ongoing crisis at the border that, as we heard last week, described by the Texas governor, Raymond, it's purposeful. They know what they are doing, and it's flood the zone with new people. They want new people coming into the country for a variety of reasons. And that's what they want, and that's what they are getting -- 2 million people will be here by the end of the year.

ARROYO: They are empowering these cartels.

INGRAHAM: Yes, they don't care. They don't care.

ARROYO: They're empowering these criminal cartels. That's outrageous. The report tomorrow you won't want to miss, Laura. I'll be back.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, thank you. Please be careful there. Thank you so much.

And up next, this is truly one of the most shocking high school graduation messages ever delivered. We're going to show you the video, and then Carol Swain will respond to what can only be described as a hateful anti-American speech. Don't go away.


INGRAHAM: Tonight, we're going to profile one of the radical revolutionaries behind the effort to indoctrinate our children in our schools. A woman named Abrar Omeish, she's a former Bernie Sanders surrogate and currently sits on the school board of Fairfax County, Virginia. It's unreal. Earlier this month she gave a deeply disturbing keynote address at a local high school graduation.


ABRAR OMEISH: We struggle with racism, extreme individualism and capitalism, white supremacy, growing wealth gaps, disease, climate crisis, extreme poverty amidst luxury and waste right next door.

You understand that social justice is only political for those who can afford to ignore it. You understand that neutral is another word for complicit, and you have made a choice to take a stand.


INGRAHAM: How inspiring as a graduation speaker. Not only does she use her speech to push Critical Race Theory, she also called for a jihad against the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Joining me now is Dr. Carol Swain, former political science professor at Stanford and Vanderbilt Universities, author of the book "Debating Immigration." Dr. Swain, this isn't just some activist. She sits on the school board of Fairfax County, one of the wealthiest school districts in the United States. Your reaction?

CAROL SWAIN, FORMER VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR: First of all, the name of the school is the Justice High School, and then did a pledge of allegiance that they had pledged to Allah. And what disturbs me is that these were mostly immigrants, and that was an anti-American speech, and it is something that should not be taking place in our country. It robbed the students of an inspirational graduation speech, but it also painted America as a country that was hostile to these immigrants.

And it is teaching young people to hate this nation. And when we have immigrants, and these students were immigrants, their parents and the immigrants that I know love America, and they have been among the most outspoken about Critical Race Theory and what is happening to this country because many of them fled nations where there was communism, socialism. They don't want to see it happen to America. And so she had these young people, a captive audience, that she is indoctrinating with information that cannot serve them well nor does it serve our nation well.

INGRAHAM: I think this is a different type of immigrant though. Northern Virginia has changed a lot. It's a very diverse place, a lot of great people, but it's a very different place than it was just even 10 years ago. And to your point, Abrar Omeish made sure to mention this other point, people need to hear it for themselves in this commencement speech. Watch.


ABRAR OMEISH: Let us acknowledge the stolen land of Manahoac people, on which we have learned, lived, and on which we celebrate today here in Fairfax. This is a reminder to us of what happens when we delay justice, when we don't speak up, when we don't stand up in time.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Swain, she is reinforcing the narrative that America is just a country founded on racism and theft, yet of course, I'd say the majority of the people in that audience willingly came to America, I guess only to be taught to hate America. How should any of our tax dollars be going to schools like this, any of them?

SWAIN: Our tax dollars should not be going to schools like that. And it is very troubling to me when you have racial and ethnic minorities. Why was she picked to be the graduation speaker? Was it because she was a minority? She is obviously hostile towards America.

And it takes me back, you know, Theodore Roosevelt, 1907. He talked about America being open to immigrants, but those who came to America in good faith and wanted to assimilate and wanted to become a part of what we are, what we have to offer. Obviously, we are bringing people into this country that hate this country. They are looking for opportunities to undermine it from within. That is unacceptable. Our tax dollars should not be supporting it. And we need to hold racial and ethnic minorities like me to the same standards that we hold whites too. When need to hold everyone to the same standard.

INGRAHAM: I think every single one of these Fairfax County school board members who agree with her, who stand with her points of view, they all need to be defeated. Every single last one of them needs to be thrown out on their backsides, on their tuchuses, whatever you want to call it, they've got to be out, OK. Parents have got to stand up and run for these school board races.

And by the way, the Virginia governor's race, Carol, is in full swing, Critical Race Theory a big issue in the commonwealth. Here is how a Democrat candidate, though, of course, Terry McAuliffe, how he is responding.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All the Republicans are talking about Critical Race Theory, and they're making this huge deal about it. What are you going to say to all those people making education about that?

TERRY MCAULIFFE, (D) VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: That is another rightwing conspiracy. This is totally made up by Donald Trump and Glenn Youngkin. This is who they are. It's a conspiracy theory.


INGRAHAM: McAuliffe's in trouble. I think the polling indicates that he's not ahead by a lot. But Dr. Swain, we don't have time for a response from you, isn't that awful. But I think I know what you have to say on that. We'll have your back.

Up next, a special Father's Day message when we come back.



INGRAHAM: The Boston terriers handler probably wanted to crush it at the Westminster dog show, but not get crushed.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, my goodness.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're fine. Just get to the backside. You're fine.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was too bad.


INGRAHAM: It was still good. What can you do?

Don't forget, Freedom Matters. Go to This is all for charity for Father's Day, all the proceeds,

Gutfeld next.

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